By Debby Richardson
I sit here thinking about this past year, then realize that Christmas is a little over a month away. Wow.
Where did the year go? I didn't realize that I've been that busy for the year to fly by so quickly.
I do know that its been quite a year, which is finally calming down slowly. Obtaining cancer and almost dying three times from that, emergancy surgery, a ton of Dr appointments, months of chemo and recouperation, homesteading, another surgery on my hand, more checkups and tests, which right now I'm cancer free, paying off all of my credit cards and cutting them up, writing articles, keeping up with journals, working on five books at one time, making wholesome nutricious meals and most of all the joy of seeing my daughter getting married and seeing both of my kids so happy and content in their lives.
This does not include making plans for my own future and catching up slowly on the bills of when I was bed ridden.
Wow, all of this was not only a stressful year but some parts on my life this year was very joyful.
With all that has taken place this year I held my head up, and had gotten through the worst time of my life.
This year with everything going on has made me lose track of time and this past year flew by so fast that at times I did not know what month or day it was.
It's like someone picked up this year and pulled it out from under me as I fell into a blanked out portion of my life if this makes any sence.
As I look back at this year I see now the many struggles and lessons that I've have been learned, the stress of this year has made me realize alot of stuff about myself, such as what I had done wrong in my past, why I had not accomplished my dreams and goals in life, why my health had gone downhill, what I really want in life, figuring out a plan of how I will change my life on top of getting to know my self better etc. A learning experiance I will never forget.
Oh yes time has flown by quickly but the lessons learned this past year are priceless even through all of the frustration's, stress and anxiety of my life.
The Elections.
By Debby Richardson.
I've kept quiet for way to long about this so called election which to me has turned into a three ring circus, which is tearing Americans against each other, which is Hillary Clintons plan.
As I sit and watch the debates, all I see are two children, the biggest child is Hillary Clinton throwing obnoxious unproven alligations out to the women and people of this nation instead of sticking to the task at hand, telling us what exactly she's going to do for America.
Are people going to make the very same mistake as they did when voting for Obama because of gender and color of their skin?
Especially not knowing how she is going to help America instead of furthering destroy America.
Are people not caring whats in their near future? Do people not care whats going to happen to their families, grandchildren, lifestyles, nation, and losing their freedoms.
Do they not care about the lies, corruption and theft etc that Hillary Clinton has done thus far or what she is going to do to this nation?
Now I nomally stay away from politics, keep my mouth shut as to politics but yet do extensive research on canadates but do not write how I feel about all of this.
I try to make my posts and comments nice, clean and full of advice not to mention cheerful yet all this bickering and slanderous statements plus cheating that has nothing to do with issues at hand is making me sick to my stomach, wishing this Election was over already.
I am so tired of the lies and corruption on Hillarys side that is going on. I've gotten to the point where I can't stand to hear her talk anywhere.
Then you have main stream media covering up what shes done with Benghazi, email scandles, sex parties, and the list goes on and on and on.
Yet she acts as if shes the perfect one, now calling us irretrevable scumb, deplorable people of this nation, hating Christians, jewish people, basically Americans in general, saying one minute shes for women then talks bad and does bad actions against women threatening them etc.
I look at her following and ask myself, how can so many follow a woman like this, do they have no morals, values or standards, are they that stupid to stay away from trash like Obama and Hillary, haven't they learned their lesson by now, don't they care about their future or future of their grand kids to give them a better world and nation to live in.
I feel that people need to wake up and smell the coffee and soon before these elections take place.
My silence is now broken, I said what I feel.
Don't you think it's about time everyone pulls together, start acting like adults and grow up to ban together as one NATION UNDER GOD to save this nation instead of destroy it?
This is a very sad, yet criticle situation this nation and her people are in yet no one cares.
A Greedy Society.
By Debby Richardson
Have you noticed that some places do not accept checks any longer?
Everything you buy now days requires a credit card, cash or Atm card. Why is this? Does people really rely on credit cards that much or do they like staying in debt all of the time?
National Statistic show that people are in debt with credit cards by 50% to 60% in America alone.
Everywhere you go people and businesses require a credit card. Online stores, Etsy shops, gas stations even some grocery stores.
Just recently, credit cards had gotten me into financial trouble. I then decided to get myself out of debt before my big move in a couple of years to the mountains.
I've been limiting my spending, rearranging my finances, cutting up my credit cards, paying off three credit cards (one to go) and paying off loans in order to become debt free.
I didn't like the worry of how am I going to pay these bills on $700.00 a month since book sales have been nill to nothing.
Each time that I pay off a loan or credit card, I feel as if I am able to breath again. I feel a sence of relief that those bills are not looming over my head any longer.
When I sat down the other day, I figured out my finances and calculated when I will be debt free and free of societies greed of credit cards and big brother watching over my spending habits, the happier I've become to where I will be able to put more cash money away for my new home with out taking out a loan to purchase a home.
I figured the last credit card will be paid off by next April and my truck loan will be paid off in November of 2017. I then will be debt free from credit cards and loans.
I've even came up with a stratigy, or should I say a few stratigies to be able to put away money while paying off these debts, still have cash on hand or what I call money to play on for everyday use, to keep up my utilities and normal bills and not lower my standard of living, but to save, save, save.
Like many I will have set backs and hurdles to cross but being out of debt and my new home is what I want the most in life.
These are my goals to a free life. I've already cut up three of the four crdit cards I had, payed off some smaller looming bills, paid off two other loans in order to become debt free for life. Even with having cancer and two surgeries this past year with two more to go by the end of the year.
Getting out of debt perminantly is a mind set, set yourself a budget, stick closely to that budget, save money where ever you can, conditon yourself not to live beyond your means, plan, Set goals and follow through with those goals and most of all do not give up or give in to impulses as so many people do now days.
If you want something or need something, set cash away weekly or monthly until you are able to purchase that item cash money. Save on interest charges.
If I can get out of debt many others can get out of debt its not impossible. I will not surcome to societies greed ever again by using credit cards or taking out anymore loans. This is asking for more trouble later on down the line.
My motto now is "If I can't afford it with cash, I don't need it at all.
I can't wait for next November to roll around. I WILL BE FREE 😄
A Busy Time Of Year
By Debby Richardson
This is the busy time of year.
All though I stay busy all of the time here on the farm, this is my busiest time of year.
Fall is upon us, things around the farm both inside and out need to be completed.
Things such as stuctures need to be repaired, summer and winter canning needs to be done, winter preperations need to be done, yard cleaned up from previous storms, my daughters wedding to attend which is an extra to do for me, I need to winterize the barn for the duck to stay warm and clean its enclosure, his lamp needs to be replaced with the heat lamp and I need to get to work in widening the ducks enclosure to give him more room this year not to mention fix my greenhouse while the weather gets cool inbetween rain drops.
Owning a farm of any kind or a ranch requires a lot of work and time as you can see in order to keep your animals safe from preditors, and keep them warm in the coming months plus make sure of your survival preperations during the winter months are completed as well.
All though I own a mini farm, there is still a lot to do on a dailey basis.
When I move in a couple of years, I will have more to do on more land, a bigger house and a bigger sized farm.
I've even started another new book about what I do on a dailey basis as a farmer and writer.
There also are three new books at one time that I am working on in my spare time when I have spare time, including doing research about the old pioneering ways of homesteading to include in one of my new books and to incorporate in my life now and when I move.
Recently or should I say the last couple of years, I've been slowly taking my self back in time, getting rid of alot of modern convienences to not only save money but to live a healthier life so that I don't get cancer back.
Yes this also keeps me very busy as well. It also makes my days go by that much faster.
What I used to dread doing trying to live like city folks, I actually love doing and having that satisfaction that yes, I can prepare meals from scratch, make my own bread, flour, spices etc in which I know what goes into the foods that I prepare and eat.
I know when I open a jar of peaches, apples, green beans etc. my foods that I've canned myself will not harm me as to the store bought cans of the same or more harms a person with all sorts of chemicals and additives, artificial stuff a person can't even pronounce.
My motto now is if you cannot pronounce whats in your food, how do you know its safe. So I resorted to canning my own foods, making my own things etc.
Yes all this takes time and effort and consumes my time, but the benifits in the long run are well worth being busy making cakes, cookies even meals from scratch out of the foods that I've prepared and canned my self.
This is the way the old pioneers lived, homesteaders lived, and farmers of yesteryear lived when there was no such thing as a convience store or grocery stores on every corner or a few miles from where the person lived.
Back then they grew wheat for flour, canned their foods, hunted for their food, spun their own yarn, made their own clothing, grew their own food and were busy all of the time.
Alot of these skills where handed down from generation to generation. I was fortunate enough to learn some things from my grandmother, what I don't know I do research on the internet, read books about the pioneering ways, I am consistantly reading all I can to gain a better understanding as to life back then and to teach myself how to do things as they did back then.
As started before, I am consistantly busy hence the once every week try to post blogs here when I have any kind of free time.
Being busy consumes my time but I am enjoying true blue homesteading, good food and the savings from having to purchase items that I make from my own kitchen. This includes cleaning supplies, pet items such as homemade dog food, treats, shampoos, flea sprays, even medicines.
I'd rather have my time consumed into making my own items than to keep up with societies stupid, sinful ways which upsets me but this is another topic I'd rather not go into.
Being busy all of the time, there is no bordom, no waisted days, it brings good health, good excersize, a sence of an accomplishment, a feel of worth and joy, good sleep at night and the list goes on.
I feel more and more people need to fill their own live's with homesteading, hobbies, crafts even reading good wholesome novels and books to pass time instead of going out looking for trouble or encumpassing themselves into crime, gangs, etc. Just my opinion, then the crime rate all over would go down instead of up.
Ahhh the busy time of year and year round gives me such joy. I am so happy that I am taking my life back to the simpiler ways of life. Hard work which is time consuming and keeps me busy where my mind or body won't stop at an early age like most, who do nothing all day but watch the lies and killing shows on the boob tube. That is why there are so many boobs in the world, they do not find things to do to keep themselves occupied and busy all of the time.
A Better Way of Life.
By Debby Richardson
Now that I've been feeling pretty good in which I am gaining my strength back slowly, I've been making nessessary life's changes since my bout with cancer.
The first change is no stress in my life. Any stresses come my way that upsets me I stear clear of and try not to worry about things so much.
My Dr's all have told me to stay away from preprosessed foods.
Ok. Here I was thinking tv dinners and hot dogs only. Yeah Right.
After doing plenty of research about preprosessed foods I ran accross something shocking as I kept reading this one article on the internet from the FDA.
Did you know your canned goods such as vegitables, canned stews, anything canned that is not made at home are all preprosessed?
Oh yeah. Then after doing the process of elimination, I figured out what had given me cancer. All of the canned goods, tv dinners etc. That I was eating, was literally killing me slowly.
Did you also know that when they make the cans, they are made out of chemicals, plus they also wash the cans out with chemicals on top of grow chemicals for the contents to grow fast in order to be harvested, GMO chemicals and other chemicals etc. ordered by the Government to kill off people to lessen the population.
So the last few months, I have gotten rid of 3/4 of the food in my pantry, I have gone through my freezers and refridgerators and tossed everything that I deemed harmful to me that might put me back into cancer.
I threw away three trash cans full of food. I decided to take myself back to the pioneer ways like my grandma used to live.
I decided to get down to the nitty gritty of homesteading. Real life homesteading where I make all of my food, can all of my food, anything I can get my hands on such as home medicines, make my own cakes, muffins, baked goods, coffee creamer, cleaning supplies, spices, drinks, from scratch, everything in my house that I used to buy at the store.
I then decided to make, repurpose all of my stuff or fix up my stuff and reuse it to make things better on my health.
Back in the 1800's there where few grocery stores so the women had to make things from scratch, reuse and repurpose things.
This is when I figured, if they didn't have to buy food and processed their own food, I can also. Where do you think the stuff you buy at the store came from.
It was handed down from generation after generation until someone decided to make money off of laziness.
I also read that going out to eat is even bad for you so instead of going out to eat, I now make freezer meals and foul packets and avoid all fast food joints and restraunts all together. This keeps me pretty busy.
On top of major homesteading, I am now working on three new books, farm my land, take care of my animals, getting ready for my daughters wedding and do crafts to start selling after this wedding.
Life around here is busy and hectic, winter is approaching fast and I need to be ready and prepared.
I've not moved to the mountains yet as I had hoped, but all this is now preparing me for that next chapter in my life, in a couple more years.
To tell you the truth, I really am enjoying major homesteading, making my own things out of what others call trash, reuse things, can my own food which is healthier on a person and even come up with my own recipies.
I used to always like staying busy and now I love staying busy all of the time and homestead. Not one day around here is the same at all. This I like too.
Don't worry, I get plenty of rest as well.
Other people should take themselves back to the olden ways. Immagine how much you would learn by doing research on how to do certain things and watch the savings pile up. Not to mention how much your health impoves and how you feel eating nothing but good wholesome foods you make, on top of the savings that I get by doing real homesteading of years past.
Real Reason Republicans. Refuse to back Donald.
By Debby Richardson.
I was going to write a few blogs about homesteading, until watching a news segment on FOX NEWS about the Republicans not backing Donald Trump, their own canadate like a bunch of spoiled babies, which takes presidence over homesteading.
I've seen news cast after news cast stating that the Republican party is not nor will not back Donald Trump, in which I personally have a few theories why such seperation is taking place.
The first is that the Republicans are being or have been threatened by Obozo or are being bribed to not back Donald Trump in order to cost Donald Trump the votes in order to become president since Obozo wants Killery Clinton to win so that he can resume office and become KING of this nation.
The Second reason is the Republicans have so many perks and more money now than ever before, that they don't want any change so that they will be able to keep those perks and not share the wealth with us the American people.
The third is, could the Republicans be as corrupt as the dummy craps in Washington DC? We all know that the Republicans don't have a backbone and are a very weak party.
Lastly, could some of the Republicans be afraid of losing their jobs? They have not passed any feasable laws in years or have gotten off their big fat duffs to protect this nation, nor have they stood up to Obozo.
All the Republicans have done was hand our money over to terrorists, special interest groups, and our enemies in many nations.
After much diliberation, I feel that the real reason for not backing Donald Trump is all of the reasons that I've mentioned here.
The Republican Party in Washington DC are acting like spoiled two year olds by not backing their own canadate for President and not listening to we, the people who put them in their cushy jobs and who pay their wages and saleries through our high taxes.
What would happen if our tax dollars would just stop?
It would prevent us from continuing to keep wasting our money from both the dummy crap side and the Retardo (new name for Republicans) side.
Boy, doesnt that sound good. No more waste of our tax payer money and let both parties live on their own money with out help from us.
They also can go broke just like we are doing.
Thats what you get from the stupidity of this nation not paying attention and doing research in canadates prior to elections, listening to main stream media who lies and having a ton of weakling stupid people who are supposed to represent you and me in this nation instead of hiding from the American people with excuses every time we contact our representatives who just push us aside for what, GREED thats what in Washington DC.
I am mad, are you?????? If not you should be.....
Black Live's Matter
By Debby Richardson.
I sit and wonder one thing lately and that is, don't all lives matter?
In the eyes of God, we are one in the same, we are all God's children.
It doesn't matter what color a persons skin is, what nationality they are or their religion. We are all the same.
Our muscles are the same, blood is red, we have the same inner organs inside our bodies (liver, heart, lungs, kidneys etc.)
This younger generation does not stop to think with the brain that they have before taking action as to their behavior, or they are paid actors from the Government to intentionally cause trouble in America.
America is a peaceful nation or at least it used to be a peaceful nation up until two years ago.
My father was a police officer (COP) in which he saved many lives both black and white.
If a black man was on the ground injured, he didn't turn and walked away while not rendering aid so that man would die.
No, my father rendered aid he learned in his training to render aid to the man so that the man would live.
All police are trained to protect and serve, not to mention render aid when a person is sick, injured or needs help to ward off criminals from the callers homes.
This is what they do, this is their jobs.
How would people like it if your family members were killed out of spite, your heart breaking at a needless loss, the sadness, not to mention the cost of funeral expences. Or your child growing up with out a father or mother.
You wouldn't like it one bit, so why kill police officers out of spite just because they wear a badge.
Just the other day I was talking to a black lady who was around my age. She was so sweet and courtious.
There was no hatred between us because of our skin color. We talked for quite some time, we even laughed together.
There was no hatred between us because of our skin color what so ever. I have many black friends.
It's the mentallity of the younger generation who thinks everyone owes them.
I was taught at an early age that your actions toward others reflect to others of the person you really are.
If your nice to people you will be treated nice regardless of the skin color.
The younger generation needs guidence, to learn valuable lessons and most definately needs a better way to occupy their time than rioting in the streets or killing other people over stupid stuff.
Police are human also, sometimes they do make mistakes, and yes sometimes there are rouge police officers but this does not give anyone the right to judge one another or kill another person.
We are not supposed to judge anyone, only God passes judgement on his children of the world for he is the creator of heaven, earth, the people and all creatures on all planets.
There is no reason for one person to kill another person at all.
In the bible it states "do unto others as they would have done unto you." my personal favorite is "love thy neighbor as thy self."
There is no reason that these killings of police officers should be taking place unless the killers are paid under the table by the Governments of this world in order to declare civil unrest which gives them the excuse to declare Martial Law.
This is what the president wants to do and intends to become king of this nation through Hillary Clinton in order to rule all nations like Hitler ran Germany in the 30's and 40's.
The man in the oval office reads nothing but books about Hitler who to the man in the white house is his hero of sorts.
Back to what I was talking about.
Do you want others to pass judgement on you, go around killing you and your family? I think not.
So why does groups such as the Black Panthers and Black Lives Matter think its alright to instill violence, kill people and most of all kill police?
Back in the 60's everyone feared the KKK for killing blacks. Legislation banned their actions in the late 70's to mid 80's.
If the KKK's actions were banned, shouldn't the Black Panthers and Black Lives Matter be under the same legislative laws that the KKK need to follow? Aren't the laws the same?
I now feel that both groups as was Sandy Hook and other mass shootings and riots that have taken place in America are all paid actors to try and bring this nation down so that Obama can automattically take rein as King of the United States in order to run it as Hitler did in Germany.
This is Obama's goal according to my years of research which is extensive.
If this happens any and all freedoms of our nation are gone, this includes everyones freedoms and rights for there will be no constitution or laws any longer.
America will be in bondage and captivity until the man in the white house decides to step down.
So people in short Black lives doesn't matter or let me correct that, ALL LIVES MATTER.
Start respecting one another again and bring this world back to unity and love instead of acting like a bunch of fools and hoodlums with hatred and riots.
Stop being puppets on a string for the love of money.
I am a Survivor.
By Debby Richardson. 7/17/16I have survived the worst ordeal a person could ever go through.
With incompotent Dr's whom had misdiagnosed me, to not helping me get better from cancer, on top of the first Chemo Dr giving me a chemo reaction all of which almost cost me, my life a couple of times and being very sick the last time before I moved to a different cancer treatment Dr who helped me get better.
All of my treatments are done now for the last two and a half months. Yeah!
Now its time to play catchup on this farm, my home steading ways, etc which I have been trying to do in order to regain the physical strength that I used to have prior to quacks who should not be practicing medicine at all if they don't care at all about their patience.
This is now the past. I am getting stronger every day and have been trying to do things to prepare for the up coming winter. Or as we homesteaders call it winter preperations.
Not to mention trying to play catch up on this house, animal pens and land besides and looking now for a new house with more land to purchase out right to where I have no loans and become debt free finally.
The chemo has cause lasting effects of my left hand. The Doc said that I either have carpal tunnel in it or nerve damage in it so in September I have to go for tests and possible surgery on top of the many Dr appointments that are schduled in September.
On a good note, my surgeon
Is doing a simple proceedure to make sure that all of the cancer is gone.
I also am looking forward to seeing my daughter get married, which I have been preparing for since March of 2016.
Yet another mild stone in my life that I am able to see and have lived to see.
Not to mention making life changes in many aspects of my life.
A Hectic Life While Being Ill.
By Debby Richardson
My has time flown since my last entry. This is due to contracting cancer, and then having to go back into the hospital for pneumonia and other things and now I am busy with my Daughters wedding which is coming up in September of this year.
Gracious. My life is so hectic with working on a book about cancer. Working on journals of my life, daughters wedding since she has no time to make things to save her money. (I am glad I have 6 months to get things done) on top of recuperate as well so that I am able to make it up to Wisconsin for her wedding.
I am also trying to figure out a way to get out and sell my books, well this may have to wait for I have other things in my life that takes precedence such as finding my own home and deciding were I wish to live.
So far its the mountains of North Ga, Tennessee or North Carolina.
Yet, I wish to live closer to my kids in Wisconsin, where there is nothing for scenery in order to inspire me to write.
Yet, I wish to live closer to my kids in Wisconsin, where there is nothing for scenery in order to inspire me to write.
I am am able to get land cheaper up there to start a new farm, bigger farm, with a nice greenhouse to grow my own food in order for me to get healthy once again, instead of purchasing store bought food with GMO chemicals in it.
I love the seclusion and the thought of living in the mountains for I will be closer to God.
This city life is getting to me and having to live like the rest of the rhetoric people in this land. Sheesh.
To much to even think about. Having to live like everyone else on top of having nosy neighbors next to you, all nosy whom want to know what is going on in ones life yet doesn't really care about others but theirselves.
This city life is getting to me and having to live like the rest of the rhetoric people in this land. Sheesh.
To much to even think about. Having to live like everyone else on top of having nosy neighbors next to you, all nosy whom want to know what is going on in ones life yet doesn't really care about others but theirselves.
These fakers I can do with out and want no part of.
Anyway I am sitting out on the patio on a glorious, warm day, the sun is shining, dogs are barking in the distance, birds are singing.
I decided to go through my emails and then post a recent blog.
I know you are all sick of reading the old stuff and I am sorry but life has gotten in my way of writing, once again.
I am working on a cancer book, I am working on journals when I feel good, I have doc appointments every other day it seems like and then I was in the hospital for a week last week in which I had just gotten out.
I decided to go through my emails and then post a recent blog.
I know you are all sick of reading the old stuff and I am sorry but life has gotten in my way of writing, once again.
I am working on a cancer book, I am working on journals when I feel good, I have doc appointments every other day it seems like and then I was in the hospital for a week last week in which I had just gotten out.
I am also working on my daughters wedding items now since she needs my help and trying to get the items I need in order to make her baskets and stuff for her wedding ensemble, so she won't have to spend a zillion dollars.
Yes I am thrifty and figure out ways to do things cheaper.
Yes I am thrifty and figure out ways to do things cheaper.
Writing seems to calm me down and get my mind off other things along with the financial problems that we are going through right now since the ex husband got fired from his job to take care of me and to take me to the doctors appointments which are every other day.
Then the costly chemo treatments as well.
Then the costly chemo treatments as well.
My mind seems so boggled, there is so much I need to be getting done around here and in my life to be able to move, but this health issue that automatically popped up due to three doctors mis-diagnosis as well.
That is another thing I will be taking care of once I get some of my other priories done that right now that are needing to be started and completed.
That is another thing I will be taking care of once I get some of my other priories done that right now that are needing to be started and completed.
There is so much that needs to get done such as planting my garden for the year, sell books and write. Geesh, my plate is consistently full.
I don’t know when I am going to find the time to get things done but my daughter and her wedding comes first. Then I will figure out when I can do the things and the main thing now is not to stress over life, which will make me sick again.
I don’t know when I am going to find the time to get things done but my daughter and her wedding comes first. Then I will figure out when I can do the things and the main thing now is not to stress over life, which will make me sick again.
At least now you all know that I had not fallen off the face of the earth or died.
I just am trying to recuperate to get my energy and strength back from cancer and surgery last September and the pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, and a yeast infection in my esophagus a week ago and ended up in the hospital for a week on top of trying to catch up on my experiences from this cancer in my new book.
I just am trying to recuperate to get my energy and strength back from cancer and surgery last September and the pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, and a yeast infection in my esophagus a week ago and ended up in the hospital for a week on top of trying to catch up on my experiences from this cancer in my new book.
I do not know when the new book will come out but it will be most informative for those with cancer and those who are contracting cancer which is a daily event.
So until next time, I bid you all a great day and a great life, keep your head up, your thoughts positive and you're faith and love in God.
Christmas Wishes & Dreams Do Come True.
By Debby Richardson
I know its been a while since I posted any blog on here of late. It's been a hectic year and a painful year.
First of all I've been busy with the farm, I have lost some animals this year and then had done some work on this farm to get it ready to sell in two to three years.
First of all I've been busy with the farm, I have lost some animals this year and then had done some work on this farm to get it ready to sell in two to three years.
I then came down sick with my back, worse than years past and have been sick with my back and in pain with everything that I do, so I have been also bedridden when I am unable to take care of this farm except for feed the animals that are left.
On top of of all this its been a life of running to the doctors every day to every other day.
On my good days get or try to get ready to start doing personal appearances at local flea markets.
Now this is postponed due to back in September, I was rushed to the hospital due to bad stomach pains, I spent two weeks in the hospital and then was told I have cancer.
On my good days get or try to get ready to start doing personal appearances at local flea markets.
Now this is postponed due to back in September, I was rushed to the hospital due to bad stomach pains, I spent two weeks in the hospital and then was told I have cancer.
Now since I have gotten out of the hospital back in October of 15, I have been not only trying to recuperate and regain my strength, but I am also writing about my cancer experiences to help others, so that others know what to expect since there is not much information out on the internet about what to do or how to handle this situation.
I feel that this will help others tremendously, what to wear, what to expect when taking chemo therapy treatments, how to handle yourself in your mind, and keeping your faith in God as close to you as possible, what to wear after surgery etc, so this book is now in the works to help others who are new to cancer or have cancer.
Me, I had to write this for I almost died on September 24th, 2015 on the operating table as the doctors were trying to take out a perforated bowel and a cancer tumor along with eighteen lymph nodes that were cancerous.
I now have chemo therapy treatments to go to every other week which I have been having complications with the chemo they are giving me with low white blood counts meaning my white blood count are being killed off by the chemo.
The doc is trying to fix this so he says.
I've also have a low iron count, etc. just like I had complications in the hospital during and after surgery on September 24, 2015.
I now have chemo therapy treatments to go to every other week which I have been having complications with the chemo they are giving me with low white blood counts meaning my white blood count are being killed off by the chemo.
The doc is trying to fix this so he says.
I've also have a low iron count, etc. just like I had complications in the hospital during and after surgery on September 24, 2015.
I can tell you though that God has been so gracious to me, he has saved me and he has brought my kids, both of them, including my new future son in law and grandson down to see me in which I made that into our Christmas.
Oh what a joyous time I had and how I was gleaming to finally get the family together over Christmas that I made on the 9th.
Oh what a joyous time I had and how I was gleaming to finally get the family together over Christmas that I made on the 9th.
My Christmas is done for the year and the small tree is still up in the living room where it belongs until after Christmas.
The memories of my kids being here will be in my mind forever more until the day I die even if they don't come down on a yearly basis.
My Christmas wish, and my Christmas was more grand than years past.
I don't need anything else but to have my kids around at Christmas time.
The memories of my kids being here will be in my mind forever more until the day I die even if they don't come down on a yearly basis.
My Christmas wish, and my Christmas was more grand than years past.
I don't need anything else but to have my kids around at Christmas time.
I also started a memories book of the happy times in my life and the joyful memories of years past, this seems to also help with getting rid of the poor me, I am dying mode that at times I go into which is normal for cancer victims.
I will get through this for God is on my side.
I will get through this for God is on my side.
I can't believe that the year has almost ended, with renovations on the house, working on books and publishing new books, getting ready for personal appearances, and being sick this year has flown by so fast. Faster than it has ever has in my life.
All thought it has flown by so fast, I've made the best of everything and have kept a smile on my face and held my head up high even when the bad times have hit.
I feel this is the way we all should live life and be more loving toward one another instead of fighting and separate due to color, creed and nationality.
Who cares about this. It's what is inside of a persons heart that means the most to people not what color you are, not what you can get out of someone, just how kindness and love toward your fellow human being instead of hate all of the time. Love goes a long way.
All thought it has flown by so fast, I've made the best of everything and have kept a smile on my face and held my head up high even when the bad times have hit.
I feel this is the way we all should live life and be more loving toward one another instead of fighting and separate due to color, creed and nationality.
Who cares about this. It's what is inside of a persons heart that means the most to people not what color you are, not what you can get out of someone, just how kindness and love toward your fellow human being instead of hate all of the time. Love goes a long way.
Really hate gets you no where and you will be punished by God now or in the future when you die. You may not believe this now but karma will hit you and there is nothing you can do about God's wrath.
I hope you have the Merriest of Christmas and let the Christmas love and cheer last through out the year. Not only on Christmas eve or Christmas Day, but every day.
If you think about it Christmas is every day for God has given you life, a life to enjoy until you finally go to your forever home in heaven.
Enjoy the life you have now before its to late and listen to what God tells you.
If you don't believe in God you better get close to him soon for he will save you because he loves you.
Since I almost died on September 24th, 2015, I've analyzed my life for the better and decided to make some changes concerning my life in which I've already have done.
I now cherish life more and more and thank God each and every day for waking me up in the mornings.
Merry Christmas from my home to yours. 2015.
If you think about it Christmas is every day for God has given you life, a life to enjoy until you finally go to your forever home in heaven.
Enjoy the life you have now before its to late and listen to what God tells you.
If you don't believe in God you better get close to him soon for he will save you because he loves you.
Since I almost died on September 24th, 2015, I've analyzed my life for the better and decided to make some changes concerning my life in which I've already have done.
I now cherish life more and more and thank God each and every day for waking me up in the mornings.
Merry Christmas from my home to yours. 2015.
Coming to your senses in 2015
By Debby Richardson
It hits you like a lead balloon, all of a sudden you know
who your friends really are or how your life has been going over the years, who
is lying to you straight to your face, who are your true friends, who is
cheating you and conning you or won’t support your endeavors though out your
new career and boom.
You realized you have finally come to the truth in your life
and came to your senses for a change in your life.
Mine started last week while just sitting here writing and going through all these personal problems then talking with those who were supposed to be close to me that I have helped all these years.
Mine started last week while just sitting here writing and going through all these personal problems then talking with those who were supposed to be close to me that I have helped all these years.
Yes years ago I had hunches about what was going on but
never listened closely to those hunches as I normally did.
My life was busy all of the time setting up homes, renovating each home I lived in, writing freelance articles, taking care of the house, yard, animals etc. even while being down for the last year and a half. This includes health issues. Gee, I must be Super Woman.
My life was busy all of the time setting up homes, renovating each home I lived in, writing freelance articles, taking care of the house, yard, animals etc. even while being down for the last year and a half. This includes health issues. Gee, I must be Super Woman.
It never dawned on me that people around me were lying to
me, using me for all they could get, I took care of them all of my life and
when the nitty gritty came down to it no one gaves a rip about me, only what I
could offer them.
Yes, this is a sad, sad situation, I was not living for
myself, I was not living the life God had planned for me nor have I been
following his path to where I belong in life. I just went with the flow to make
others happy.
I gave into arguments, I signed paperwork so the ex could take out a loan on my truck, I gave people money until I am broke, I fed them, cleaned up after them as if they were children, I bent over backwards for them just to keep peace and no arguments would arise.
I gave into arguments, I signed paperwork so the ex could take out a loan on my truck, I gave people money until I am broke, I fed them, cleaned up after them as if they were children, I bent over backwards for them just to keep peace and no arguments would arise.
I did anything in my power to help them get ahead when in
reality they really didn’t want to get ahead in life; they wanted to stay in
the same ole rut they are used to being in and living in failure. They had no
earge in order to make themselves better but yet complained how people thought
they were stupid, and were very negative as to situations about their lives and
or future business’s or even making money.
Mostly head games they would play on me until about a week
ago when I was sitting here writing and reading articles that boom it hit me
like a lead balloon or an anvil dropping on my head.
All they are after is to keep using you, you’re not living your live but a life someone or some people want you to live, to live in debt when you desire to be depth free, to live in an area where you really not only do not belong but in an area you despise, to do all of their paperwork, pay their bills, to do for them such as a slave would do and to order you around. It was all for them and nothing for me.
All they are after is to keep using you, you’re not living your live but a life someone or some people want you to live, to live in debt when you desire to be depth free, to live in an area where you really not only do not belong but in an area you despise, to do all of their paperwork, pay their bills, to do for them such as a slave would do and to order you around. It was all for them and nothing for me.
Boy what a true reality that was when that anvil of the truth
hit me like a lead balloon.
All these years I thought people truly cared even people close to me, haha boy am I naive or stupid. I realized it was all for them to make them happy while I lived in misery all these years and why for the all mighty dollar to save up and get out of here.
All these years I thought people truly cared even people close to me, haha boy am I naive or stupid. I realized it was all for them to make them happy while I lived in misery all these years and why for the all mighty dollar to save up and get out of here.
Every time I saved up people wanted to know how much money
was in my bank account so that I could “Help them pay their bills.”
The true reality came the other day when I told my son off
who also was lying to me, not seeing me for Christmas and play his city slicker
head games.
I basically got him out of my life now for I was fed up with the bs all these years of him telling me I would be a flop in my books, or I can’t run this farm and work this farm due to my health and oh I should move to Wisconsin etc.
I basically got him out of my life now for I was fed up with the bs all these years of him telling me I would be a flop in my books, or I can’t run this farm and work this farm due to my health and oh I should move to Wisconsin etc.
Then the ex and I were talking about my son I told him it is
finished. Right away like a stinking vulture the ex-asked me if I died what he
is supposed to do with my stuff. At the time I said I guess he could have it
until I then realized that was the wrong thing to say.
That’s when I realized how much of a vulture this man is
after all of the money I helped him with as he threw up in my face of how much
he had done for me all these years as if I asked him to meddle in my life.
I did not, nor have I ever asked for anything from him or for his help.
I did not, nor have I ever asked for anything from him or for his help.
The other day New Year’s day he called me to ask how I was
feeling, what was going on at the house you know his normal stupid questions as
if he was checking up on me.
I then told him he won’t be getting anything except the $48,000 debt he owes me, that I don’t have to leave him a thing. All hell broke loose from then on.
I then told him he won’t be getting anything except the $48,000 debt he owes me, that I don’t have to leave him a thing. All hell broke loose from then on.
Trying to make me feel sorry for him, I put it in his face I
helped him get job after job and ran down the list of what I had done for him
all these years also and ripped into him that all I ever done was bow down to his
whim to keep peace.
I flat out told him this, when it pleases Mitch he is happy but when I wanted something of my own such as privacy and my own life, well all has to go his way or he acts like a little 72 yr old baby pitching a fit because its not in his plans.
All he did was flap off at the mouth (mouth of the south) and didn't listen to a word I was saying.
I flat out told him this, when it pleases Mitch he is happy but when I wanted something of my own such as privacy and my own life, well all has to go his way or he acts like a little 72 yr old baby pitching a fit because its not in his plans.
All he did was flap off at the mouth (mouth of the south) and didn't listen to a word I was saying.
I mean this man even went as far to plan my future with this house etc and keeps asking me how much was in my bank account assuming my money
in my bank account was his.
Boy I laughed at him, I flat out told him how much is in my savings is not any of his business. Its done. I am done helping you for you don’t want to help your self, you act like a helpless little baby and that is that. This is the end I will be moving in a year to two years.
Boy I laughed at him, I flat out told him how much is in my savings is not any of his business. Its done. I am done helping you for you don’t want to help your self, you act like a helpless little baby and that is that. This is the end I will be moving in a year to two years.
Once tempers stopped flaring all calmed down, he said he was
keeping the house so that he could (go into more debt and take out yet another
loan, ha a man can't keep bills up but wants to take out anther loan) and put an
addition on this house.
Yeah as if this will ever happen, he was going to put an
awning over the back shed so I could put the dogs out there and they would not
only have shade but also be sheltered for the rain, thus telling me the way I was
going to do it was wrong. Now this is coming from a man who can't get off his
ass long enough to even get himself a drink of water or fix himself something to eat.
The awning has still not been built. It's now been four months and still no awening on the shed.
The awning has still not been built. It's now been four months and still no awening on the shed.
So of late, this is why I ‘ve been quiet I have been
promoting my books online to help with sales, I have been looking at land in which to
buy. I have also been checking out financing options as to how I could obtain
financing of some sort for my land and maybe a house of my own. On top of
taking care of the puppies and the other animals, not to mention resting of
I have figured some things out what I may be able to do, and
have made more plans as to how to obtain financing and now am looking at
options as to how to make money at home to put in my savings, it’s not a get
rich plan but it would help a little bit to save money faster for my future
I want to do a few things since my books aren’t selling and
no one cares about my books.
Things I may be able to do at home while I am sitting here wasting time on the computer, instead of wasting time putting my time to better use as to how to make money or how to save a little faster than I am for my land and property I want to get and be out of here as quick as possible.
Things I may be able to do at home while I am sitting here wasting time on the computer, instead of wasting time putting my time to better use as to how to make money or how to save a little faster than I am for my land and property I want to get and be out of here as quick as possible.
The ex thinks I am not leaving but this time I am. As I told
him “IT IS DONE.” The same words God had used before being crucified on the
All of my life has gone to liars, thieves, cheats, cons. Not to mention people who want to control my life;
I will be making a brand new start even if I have to be without people in my life. Good riddens my life will be a more peaceful, happy life in an area I wish to live or that God is calling me to live.
I will be making a brand new start even if I have to be without people in my life. Good riddens my life will be a more peaceful, happy life in an area I wish to live or that God is calling me to live.
The bad people are going to all be gone out of my life who
can answer to their know it all people and stop playing games with me or using
A person can only take so much in life and I have taken all
I am going to take from people and their BS ways.
I can not help those who do not want to help themselves, nor
will I try any longer.
Its time for me to start living my own life and not worry about anyone else.
Its time for me to start living my own life and not worry about anyone else.
A Hectic Life By Debby Richardson
Have you
ever been so far behind in work or so busy that you don’t know where to turn?
I have a farm, I am also an Author who has
public appearances to do, on top of promotions etc. on websites and other means
to promote my books in order for people to purchase them and read them.
The book sales are now getting better in which I have a few orders to get out for signed copies of the books in paperback form to friends of the ex husbands..
The book sales are now getting better in which I have a few orders to get out for signed copies of the books in paperback form to friends of the ex husbands..
Since my back surgeries for the last two and
a half years I had fallen behind in all of my farm chores as well and doing my
homesteading thus making my own salves for healing, remedies for healing and
collecting the plants I need for this house work, yard work you name it.
At times my life gets hectic and with health
issues it’s at times hard to get things done, but I do pretty good for I make
myself do things even though I still am in pain.
I now am getting ready to do some flea
markets thus meaning ordering promotional items, books to sign and sell,
flyers, banners you name it in order for me to go on the road to events and
flea markets. Yes, this also is time consuming and these events and flea markets
will be listed on this site and promotional site as soon as they are scheduled
which I am looking either in the fall or early spring for it will take time for
me to prepare all this.
So I have very busy around here rushing
around like a little bee trying to get things done on top of promotions and stuff
plus working on yet a new western romance novel, mostly western which I am only
on chapter 5 of so far.
I still have a ways to go in order to
complete this and go onto the next book one of many I have started a long time
My life right now is hectic and chaotic but
in a sense I love being this way, no day is the same and each event that I do gets
written down into a journal in order to maybe use bits and parts of this
journal later on when I run out of ideas for books. Ha yeah right as if that is
going to happen, I not only have 20 books to complete but also this western romance to
complete and over 300 titles and ideas to work on when I find time to
When my day ends I just don’t even have time
to read books myself as I used to do. I also am an avid reader of good books
but with it being so chaotic around here lately I have not snuggled up with a
good book in a long time.
My days have gone by so quickly that by the
end of the day as soon as I crawl into bed and say my nightly prayers to God then fall
fast asleep in slumber.
I also have not been able to have any what I call “ME” time which is wake up early in the morning, say around 4:30 or 6:30 in the morning sit and write or sit and think to be just by myself to slow myself down.
No animals to contend with for they are in kennels sleeping, no feeding times, no construction going on around here, no nothing, just me and God in the darkness of the early morning hours.
I also have not been able to have any what I call “ME” time which is wake up early in the morning, say around 4:30 or 6:30 in the morning sit and write or sit and think to be just by myself to slow myself down.
No animals to contend with for they are in kennels sleeping, no feeding times, no construction going on around here, no nothing, just me and God in the darkness of the early morning hours.
This morning I was finally able to steal some
me time. I was able to sit and watch the beauty and grace of the fish swimming
around in their tank something I can hardly do because of being so busy. How gorgeous
they are gracefully swimming in the water, eating their food that I gave them
and commune in a corner somewhere. Each having their own personality.
Yes, I sit back and watch the animals at times
again each having their own personality, and when day light comes I go out on
the patio, sit at the patio table, think, write and look around to absorb the
beauty of the land and listen to the birds singing high in the trees as I write down all that I see
and hear or feel in my journals that I keep.
At times people need to slow down and take
time for their “ME” time to slow their own lives down and to look around them
at the beauty that God has created, listen to the birds singing, the smell of a
nice fresh cup of coffee, and thank God for all of the glorious things he has
given us instead of being in a hurry to do this, a hurry to do that, and even
take for granted what God has given us in our daily lives such as a home, cars,
food, rain, clothing, jobs, etc.
He has blessed each and every one of you and no one takes a few minutes to say think you God, I love you God. God you are so good to me an unworthy person.
He has blessed each and every one of you and no one takes a few minutes to say think you God, I love you God. God you are so good to me an unworthy person.
Even people around you do not acknowledge God
or you, if you don’t do as they want, they plain out forget about you and then
treat you as if you’re a nothing.
That’s all right do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
So I leave this so called friend alone and don’t contact him any longer. I used to look up to this friend but well those days are over, I've seen what kind of a self-centered person he really was deep inside, my friend is from Wyoming and thinks he is something special which he is not.
He would not have his business if God was not in his life or his new house.
That’s all right do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
So I leave this so called friend alone and don’t contact him any longer. I used to look up to this friend but well those days are over, I've seen what kind of a self-centered person he really was deep inside, my friend is from Wyoming and thinks he is something special which he is not.
He would not have his business if God was not in his life or his new house.
I too will be there soon, as stated earlier. God had
given me the talent to write, to express myself, to show my feelings with in my
writing I do not let this talent go to my head, yes I am an Author, but that is
only a title I had earned through the eyes of God, without God giving me the
talent to write I would be a nothing. God has given all of us a talent, for
things do not happen by fluke or on their own as many think.
It’s all explained in my new book, “God’s
Chosen Child.” it’s a good read and talked about highly by others verbally. It’s
a must read book but people just do not believe in God and will blame God when
all their things and their life is taken away. Hate to be you.
Any way this is what chaos in one’s life
does, makes one mind just ramble on to different topics.
I do my best
to keep up this site and my professional Authors website so if I do not post
you know now why, not enough hours in the day.
The Frustrated Writer. By Debby Richardson
Years ago I used to write for trucking magazines and other magazines as well.
I loved what I did back then and still love what I do best is to write, express myself, have people read my work and understand the topic in a simple format on any topic I desired to write about.
I had even wrote four books in order to give myself a job. Yes, job that is what writing is a job and to express myself.
Years ago I had given up my passion for writing articles, expressing my feelings and such until a year ago this past November when I had gotten bored with life.
I wanted to get back into writing. A little birdie told me to go back into writing during my sleep. Hence my new book, “God’s Chosen Child.”
I wanted to get back into writing. A little birdie told me to go back into writing during my sleep. Hence my new book, “God’s Chosen Child.”
I love writing truth about things or things that have happened in my past life. I love writing about the animals of this farm and life’s events, so of late I decided to check out the writer’s job boards, nothing.
The job’s I had applied to well I found on Craig’s list all needing writers right away.
I applied to the best ones that I could find.
It’s been a week now and no return call; no return emails any return anything.
I applied to the best ones that I could find.
It’s been a week now and no return call; no return emails any return anything.
I keep applying and looking for jobs. Jobs that are supposed to be out there but well in truth, I think they are made up jobs.
Today I even resorted to posting an ad on LinkedIn for a writing position that’s how desperate I am.
Today I even resorted to posting an ad on LinkedIn for a writing position that’s how desperate I am.
I yearn to write, I want to write, I need to write so badly for I feel that I am wasting my mind away.
Yes, due to this past surgery on my back I am unable to sit for hours on end like I used to do, but I am able to sit for a few hours here and there during the day.
This should not stop me from my passion in life now should it?
This should not stop me from my passion in life now should it?
Here I am looking for more writing jobs to contact other than working on new books, so far I have 15 more books that I'm trying to complete and then will publish once they are done or at least 6 of them are done.
Is anyone going to purchase these books, nope, the ones I have for sale on are not selling, people look, just read the reviews only, but they want free books, (my God what a cheap world it has become.) No one wants to read good reading any more unless it has sex, crimes etc. in it. (Sorry not that type of writer)
So as the days, weeks, months and years go by I am getting more and more frustrated with society, my life, people in general you name it. Not to mention the stupid topics some people want professional writers to write or the pay they want to pay, which is an insult to writers.
Not worth turning on the computer, sit for an hour or two or spend hours on end to do research on top of that depending on the topic for a penny a word.
Any way I am still searching to no avail. I have put in over 30 resumes hoping to be contacted in order to find a job, as I had hoped my books would have sold as well.
I have now become so very frustrated that I'm tempted to say to hell with it, and stop writing now days or at least professionally.
Just write for myself as I had during the years of not writing any longer until I had published my books. Yes, I am so very frustrated.
Just write for myself as I had during the years of not writing any longer until I had published my books. Yes, I am so very frustrated.
With a world of all these gadgets I sometimes wonder if people really can and do read any more.
Sometimes, I even want to give up but I will not do this, I feel in my heart the need to write and even if its on this blog.
I will write what I see, how I feel, and more items that I deem fit to write.
I just like to write and will do so one way or another until the day I die,
Sometimes, I even want to give up but I will not do this, I feel in my heart the need to write and even if its on this blog.
I will write what I see, how I feel, and more items that I deem fit to write.
I just like to write and will do so one way or another until the day I die,
Cutting Down on Every Day Expenses at Home and in Your Busine
By Debby Richardson
By Debby Richardson
There are many ways to cut down on living expenses. The
first way to save money is keep your thermostat at 70 to 72 degrees degree's
both in the winter and in summer.
If you keep turning your thermostat up and down to your comfort level it can make your energy bill go higher each month and will cost you more money.
My electric bill went from $165.00 a month to $85.00 a month. This includes turning your air or heat off completely while you're not home then turning it on when you get home, this uses more energy and will cost you more than setting your thermostat at 70 to 72 degrees and keeping your thermostat on all of the time. Put plastic on your windows and leave it up all year round. the darker your home or office is in summer time the cooler your house will be, with plastic on the windows, it will help keep the heating and cooling in the house and none of the air can leak out through window crevices.
It also keeps the heat and the sun out as well. Ye, you will need to see, get a small lamp in your office, put in energy saving bulb in the lamp and you won't use that much energy at all to make your electric bill go up.
If you keep turning your thermostat up and down to your comfort level it can make your energy bill go higher each month and will cost you more money.
My electric bill went from $165.00 a month to $85.00 a month. This includes turning your air or heat off completely while you're not home then turning it on when you get home, this uses more energy and will cost you more than setting your thermostat at 70 to 72 degrees and keeping your thermostat on all of the time. Put plastic on your windows and leave it up all year round. the darker your home or office is in summer time the cooler your house will be, with plastic on the windows, it will help keep the heating and cooling in the house and none of the air can leak out through window crevices.
It also keeps the heat and the sun out as well. Ye, you will need to see, get a small lamp in your office, put in energy saving bulb in the lamp and you won't use that much energy at all to make your electric bill go up.
The second way to
save money is on food and munchies.
You can save a bunch of money when you buy these items like cookies and such at the Dollar Tree or any dollar store were items are only one dollar.
This includes hair products, shampoos, bath supplies, even little presents and gift wrapping. Why pay more when you do not have to.
The dollar store has a lot of items that are cheaper than in the regular stores and can save you a ton of money, such as my favorite shampoo Alberto V05 I get for $1.00 instead of paying 3, 4, even 5 dollars in the store, munchies, you pay $3.89 or more in the store.
Me, I only pay $1.00 and the munchies are fresh, same with cookies, pudding, dog food, olives etc. can you see how much you save?
It all adds up in the long run and doesn't take a bite out of your budget.
Also go to Aldies which is a great store for fresh fruits and stuff and again bring lots of coupons to save you money.
You can save a bunch of money when you buy these items like cookies and such at the Dollar Tree or any dollar store were items are only one dollar.
This includes hair products, shampoos, bath supplies, even little presents and gift wrapping. Why pay more when you do not have to.
The dollar store has a lot of items that are cheaper than in the regular stores and can save you a ton of money, such as my favorite shampoo Alberto V05 I get for $1.00 instead of paying 3, 4, even 5 dollars in the store, munchies, you pay $3.89 or more in the store.
Me, I only pay $1.00 and the munchies are fresh, same with cookies, pudding, dog food, olives etc. can you see how much you save?
It all adds up in the long run and doesn't take a bite out of your budget.
Also go to Aldies which is a great store for fresh fruits and stuff and again bring lots of coupons to save you money.
The third way is to
easily make different outfits with the cloths you have to make a fresh look or
even have a different outfit, this saves money on buying cloths all of the time
when you're sick of the old ones spruce it up. Example, spruce up a blouse with
a fancy scarf, put chains on a pair of boots if you wear boots, even make a
wrap out of material, a latch, and beads to fasten to your boots, hats etc a
different look for different occasions.
Clip coupons and
put them up, look for coupons that do not have expiration dates on them, you
can save a ton of money on your grocery bill if you do this weekly.
Watch your money
carefully and plan ahead. By this I mean if you budget your money weekly or bi
weekly you can save a ton of money. Here's what I do.
Since I write, and own two businesses, I set aside a certain amount for each business. I then set aside and plan of how much during the week I want to spend on living expenses and paying bills.
I then also set aside a certain amount of money to put into the bank, savings account and I do not touch the savings account. With my writing money I put directly into the bank for this is money yes earned but also an extra income that I would normally not have.
Same goes for refunds that I get or money rewards that I get from AT&T or overpayment to insurance etc. I put this aside and put it in the bank instead of spend it.
Since I write, and own two businesses, I set aside a certain amount for each business. I then set aside and plan of how much during the week I want to spend on living expenses and paying bills.
I then also set aside a certain amount of money to put into the bank, savings account and I do not touch the savings account. With my writing money I put directly into the bank for this is money yes earned but also an extra income that I would normally not have.
Same goes for refunds that I get or money rewards that I get from AT&T or overpayment to insurance etc. I put this aside and put it in the bank instead of spend it.
Catching sales on food, clothing, gas, etc I also save a ton
of money and economize my budget.
I live on only a certain amount per week, or month and any extra money I put in the bank for a rainy day. You can even get free food when you go online and look for food samples or free stuff, or coupons for free stuff.
I do this all of the time and it also cuts down on my budget as well. I love free and free stuff is good, just because its free doesn’t mean its bad stuff, most companies want to promote new products for you to try, this is why they give items out free.
I even got free books four of them from a publisher because they wanted my opinion on those books and I am an avid reader. So those books that originally cost $25.00 each in the stores or online, I got free savings $100.00 and I didn't even have to send money for shipping, the company shipped them free of charge. So look online find free stuff or samples, and in my next blogs I will send links to all of the free sites I go to that are legitimate and boy you will see all of the freebies from diapers to skin care to makeup to food etc.....
I live on only a certain amount per week, or month and any extra money I put in the bank for a rainy day. You can even get free food when you go online and look for food samples or free stuff, or coupons for free stuff.
I do this all of the time and it also cuts down on my budget as well. I love free and free stuff is good, just because its free doesn’t mean its bad stuff, most companies want to promote new products for you to try, this is why they give items out free.
I even got free books four of them from a publisher because they wanted my opinion on those books and I am an avid reader. So those books that originally cost $25.00 each in the stores or online, I got free savings $100.00 and I didn't even have to send money for shipping, the company shipped them free of charge. So look online find free stuff or samples, and in my next blogs I will send links to all of the free sites I go to that are legitimate and boy you will see all of the freebies from diapers to skin care to makeup to food etc.....
If you own a small
business, cut back, if your printing stuff out that you do not need to send
anyone, double side your paperwork to save on cost of paper, don't run lights
through out your office that aren’t being used or your home that aren't being
used, if there are items that are not of importance, don't buy them or cut
back, like my business I use load boards at times, instead of having five or six
load boards, I only use two and then free ones, these load boards are 30.00+ a
I also leave my computer on at all times, this saves electricity and wear & tear on your computer turning it on and off all of the time. Shred paperwork also and if you have a fireplace or burner, burn this in the winter time after you accumulate in the summer time and winter time.
This not only saves on electric and heating bills but is also helping lower your utility bill and saving the land.....
I also leave my computer on at all times, this saves electricity and wear & tear on your computer turning it on and off all of the time. Shred paperwork also and if you have a fireplace or burner, burn this in the winter time after you accumulate in the summer time and winter time.
This not only saves on electric and heating bills but is also helping lower your utility bill and saving the land.....
Do not run to get
this and that all of the time, make it a once a month trip.
Make a list of everything you either need in your personal life and your business and run all of your errands in one day, grocery store, post office, office supplies etc, also check your local Dollar Tree for supplies sometimes they have legal paper for 1.00 stock up, pencils and folders etc in one place, you do not need to buy the most expensive in order to run a business.
My business expenses a month are less than $555.00 a month, if I can keep business expenses down so can you, Dollar Tree also has cheap cleaning supplies that are great for cleaning your office and house, t paper and all sorts of stuff you can use for both your house and office and each item is only $1.00. Normally when I go, I stock up, I only pay anywhere from $30.00 to $68.00 each trip when I stock up.
Think of other ways of cutting back to save money and make a list and follow that list closely and we all will make it in this economy.....
Make a list of everything you either need in your personal life and your business and run all of your errands in one day, grocery store, post office, office supplies etc, also check your local Dollar Tree for supplies sometimes they have legal paper for 1.00 stock up, pencils and folders etc in one place, you do not need to buy the most expensive in order to run a business.
My business expenses a month are less than $555.00 a month, if I can keep business expenses down so can you, Dollar Tree also has cheap cleaning supplies that are great for cleaning your office and house, t paper and all sorts of stuff you can use for both your house and office and each item is only $1.00. Normally when I go, I stock up, I only pay anywhere from $30.00 to $68.00 each trip when I stock up.
Think of other ways of cutting back to save money and make a list and follow that list closely and we all will make it in this economy.....
When your purchasing
a car, finagle on the price most dealerships will take 10% off the purchase
You do not have to pay the list price if you know how to negotiate with the dealership and you must stand your ground for they love playing tricks to give you something they can not sell or do not want.
Watch those sales people very closely.
When I went to a dealership for the first time in my life to buy a 2008 Chevy pickup, they tried to tell me that I didn’t have credit or much credit which I did I purchased a $72,000.00 homes two years priot and had a $110,000.00 big rig in my yard.
They treated me like dirt, then they said I was only worth $3,000.00 and had no credit. I had already brought my credit report I pulled off the internet and pitched a fit about this and threatened to walk out, they put me in my 2008 Chevy Silverado which I fell in love with.
I went back to seal the deal at the dealership, and they tried to put me into a 2008 silver colored ram, again I pitched a fit and almost walked out, I told them I wanted the red Silverado and if they can not put me into this Silverado I will go elsewhere.
The sales man told me to compromise and kept telling me this all through this deal, he kept telling me to compromise, so top lung, I said I have compromised, I originally wanted a new 2009 avalanche and settled for a 2008 red Chevy Silverado. I wanted dark seats not light colored seats, I wanted this and that and had to settle for less I am not settling for less by purchasing that silver ram which is ugly.
If they couldn’t put me into the red Silverado I was outta there. I got the red Silverado.
You do not have to pay the list price if you know how to negotiate with the dealership and you must stand your ground for they love playing tricks to give you something they can not sell or do not want.
Watch those sales people very closely.
When I went to a dealership for the first time in my life to buy a 2008 Chevy pickup, they tried to tell me that I didn’t have credit or much credit which I did I purchased a $72,000.00 homes two years priot and had a $110,000.00 big rig in my yard.
They treated me like dirt, then they said I was only worth $3,000.00 and had no credit. I had already brought my credit report I pulled off the internet and pitched a fit about this and threatened to walk out, they put me in my 2008 Chevy Silverado which I fell in love with.
I went back to seal the deal at the dealership, and they tried to put me into a 2008 silver colored ram, again I pitched a fit and almost walked out, I told them I wanted the red Silverado and if they can not put me into this Silverado I will go elsewhere.
The sales man told me to compromise and kept telling me this all through this deal, he kept telling me to compromise, so top lung, I said I have compromised, I originally wanted a new 2009 avalanche and settled for a 2008 red Chevy Silverado. I wanted dark seats not light colored seats, I wanted this and that and had to settle for less I am not settling for less by purchasing that silver ram which is ugly.
If they couldn’t put me into the red Silverado I was outta there. I got the red Silverado.
When I get my rescue
ranch I will purchase some more vehicles and told them I will have my truck paid
off in six months and will be purchasing a new avalanche and more trucks if
they treat me right.
I didn’t haggle over the price but tried for them to put free stuff on it and they didn’t budge so guess what next time I go and get another truck, I will not only have cash in hand for more leverage but this company is not going to get my business any longer.
What should have taken 3 and a half hours took me three days and then I had to pay for the running boards, I have to get a trailer harness for they didn’t put this on it etc myself.
When I called the owner she lied to me and told me she would call me back. she never did so I do not do business this way. The name of the company you may ask is Cronic Chevrolet in Griffen Ga.
They have lost all of my business thus will save me more money in the long run in later years since they all treated me like I was scum, degraded me and my intelligence and told me stuff just to pacify me and lied to me on top of this.
I do not do business this way. I was not that important to them in today’s economy.....
I didn’t haggle over the price but tried for them to put free stuff on it and they didn’t budge so guess what next time I go and get another truck, I will not only have cash in hand for more leverage but this company is not going to get my business any longer.
What should have taken 3 and a half hours took me three days and then I had to pay for the running boards, I have to get a trailer harness for they didn’t put this on it etc myself.
When I called the owner she lied to me and told me she would call me back. she never did so I do not do business this way. The name of the company you may ask is Cronic Chevrolet in Griffen Ga.
They have lost all of my business thus will save me more money in the long run in later years since they all treated me like I was scum, degraded me and my intelligence and told me stuff just to pacify me and lied to me on top of this.
I do not do business this way. I was not that important to them in today’s economy.....
All of the savings I
am talking about does eventually add up to where I am able to put up my change
and hide it for my wild spending sprees at times or to just save in the bank.
Every little bit helps now days and every penny a person can save will bring them to the things they really want in life including a big bank account.
As they say a penny saved is a penny earned and I am good at saving my pennies and putting them were they belong, in the bank.
Every little bit helps now days and every penny a person can save will bring them to the things they really want in life including a big bank account.
As they say a penny saved is a penny earned and I am good at saving my pennies and putting them were they belong, in the bank.
Being smart with your money will get you further ahead than
if you're frivolous.....
Life is a struggle when you’re disabled. By Debby Richardson
Just recently my health has gotten worse than anything, I am
not supposed to do anything or lift, the handyman I had stopped working for me
and I fired him for giving me half days.
I hired another handyman and he took a look at what needed to be done.
He decided he doesn’t want the job at all and wants to send two 16 yr. old boys here to work, I don’t want 16 yr. olds for they won’t do a good job. They will be here just for the pay.
Doesn’t anyone want to work now days for an honest day’s wage? Or are people just to blame lazy and just want handouts.
I hired another handyman and he took a look at what needed to be done.
He decided he doesn’t want the job at all and wants to send two 16 yr. old boys here to work, I don’t want 16 yr. olds for they won’t do a good job. They will be here just for the pay.
Doesn’t anyone want to work now days for an honest day’s wage? Or are people just to blame lazy and just want handouts.
When I walk or am on my feet a lot I am in major pain, I
waddle when I walk my knees pop, but I keep trying to find good help that will stay, last and help me build this farm which is a struggle for me at times.
No one around here wants to do the work for the pay that I offer them and they don’t want to do the work at all, thus also wanting to take over what I should be doing.
No one around here wants to do the work for the pay that I offer them and they don’t want to do the work at all, thus also wanting to take over what I should be doing.
I ask God each and every day to take this pain from me, so that I can
continue on with my promise to God on this farm, which I am building from
scratch, which is half up.
Now, my health went to where I am unable to do things around here.
I'm so frustrated at this situation it’s not funny. People want money but don’t want to work. I want work for a fair day’s wage. It's just simple as that.
No one is willing to work with me.
Now, my health went to where I am unable to do things around here.
I'm so frustrated at this situation it’s not funny. People want money but don’t want to work. I want work for a fair day’s wage. It's just simple as that.
No one is willing to work with me.
When I do things for myself, it puts me in a ton of unbearable pain. I cannot work like I used to due to docs orders and major pain in both my
knees and in my back.
I am used to doing things for myself without asking people for help, for I know I am unable to rely on people. They tell you one thing then don’t do what they tell you they are going to do nor keep their promises at all.
I am used to doing things for myself without asking people for help, for I know I am unable to rely on people. They tell you one thing then don’t do what they tell you they are going to do nor keep their promises at all.
It looks like I will do for myself no matter how much pain I'm in.
I am the only one that I can rely on and no one else. I will do the work myself if it kills me or puts me in a wheel chair for the rest of my life, which eventually it will.
I will come up with answers as to how to continue doing for myself when that happens.
People don’t care and they are heartless not to mention liars. What a sad world we now live in.
I am the only one that I can rely on and no one else. I will do the work myself if it kills me or puts me in a wheel chair for the rest of my life, which eventually it will.
I will come up with answers as to how to continue doing for myself when that happens.
People don’t care and they are heartless not to mention liars. What a sad world we now live in.
I am done looking for lazy people to help me on this farm.
They can go be lazy elsewhere and that is that. I am tired of these city slickers who say they are country when they really aren’t at least not the way I was brung up.
Country people work and work hard.
Not only wanting to work four hours one day then four hours the following week only for the money that I pay then not care about how they do the job or if they do the job.
I expect a full day out of them, or they lie to me telling me that they will take the job when in reality they don’t want the job because there is too much work for them to do around here. There is nothing that I hate worse is a liar and a cheat.
They can go be lazy elsewhere and that is that. I am tired of these city slickers who say they are country when they really aren’t at least not the way I was brung up.
Country people work and work hard.
Not only wanting to work four hours one day then four hours the following week only for the money that I pay then not care about how they do the job or if they do the job.
I expect a full day out of them, or they lie to me telling me that they will take the job when in reality they don’t want the job because there is too much work for them to do around here. There is nothing that I hate worse is a liar and a cheat.
When I was healthy, I not only worked two jobs but also had a
small business and worked weekends or when my business was slow on farms, I would get a job working for a
measly $7.00 an hour. Any money was better than no money.
Now days people want to get rich quick, making $44.00 an hour if you’re a contractor in your own business or for some persons off the street, they want $150.00 per hour. Yeah right not in today’s economy.
Now days people want to get rich quick, making $44.00 an hour if you’re a contractor in your own business or for some persons off the street, they want $150.00 per hour. Yeah right not in today’s economy.
With the rising costs of health care, prescriptions, rent
and other necessities of life there is no such thing as a $150.00 an hour job. If there was everyone would be flocking to these jobs.
I don’t want to hear this, if they had a business making this kind of money, then why did they close their business? Why do they live like slum lords with beat up old vehicles that don’t run? Why are they renting instead of owning their own home? Hmmmmmmmmm.
All talk but no action is all I get and I expect action for what I pay a person on a dailey basis twice a month. Thats all they had to work here.
I don’t want to hear this, if they had a business making this kind of money, then why did they close their business? Why do they live like slum lords with beat up old vehicles that don’t run? Why are they renting instead of owning their own home? Hmmmmmmmmm.
All talk but no action is all I get and I expect action for what I pay a person on a dailey basis twice a month. Thats all they had to work here.
I get so frustrated not being able to do my own work as I am
used to. I am in independent woman who does not like asking people for help at
I like doing for myself, knowing the jobs I do will get done and get done right around here as to my specifications.
I like doing for myself, knowing the jobs I do will get done and get done right around here as to my specifications.
Instead, all I am finding are people who want to work half
days, who want to boss me around on my own land and take charge as to what they
think I should be doing in order to cut out most of their work.
These types of people cost you a ton of money.
Once hired their work gets shoddy or doesn't get done correctly for the money that I pay them.
Then the job gets half ass done in a hurried up, sloppy way where I still have to go out and finish up after them.
These types of people cost you a ton of money.
Once hired their work gets shoddy or doesn't get done correctly for the money that I pay them.
Then the job gets half ass done in a hurried up, sloppy way where I still have to go out and finish up after them.
Why pay people if you have to keep going back after them and do their
job? Or why do people come here and waste my time telling me that they will help me
when in reality what I need for them to do does not get done any way, then I
end up doing it myself.
I just wish people
would stop wasting my time. Time is money and to me time is precious.
Sooo, I am back to square one, I will do what I can do when I feel good enough to do it despite what the doctors tell me to do to help me walk and take pressure off both of my knees and my back on my good days.
Sooo, I am back to square one, I will do what I can do when I feel good enough to do it despite what the doctors tell me to do to help me walk and take pressure off both of my knees and my back on my good days.
The only one I can and will rely on when there is no one
here to help me is me.
No more contractors, no more people coming here feeling sorry for me, no more crap will I have to take and no more needless money going out the window.
No more contractors, no more people coming here feeling sorry for me, no more crap will I have to take and no more needless money going out the window.
I found out people are not of their word as I am used to nor
do they want to work.
I hope they survive without being on my land, or getting money for nothing.
To me that is just ripping off others and ripping off the disabled people, which is not only against the law but dishonest as well.
I hope they survive without being on my land, or getting money for nothing.
To me that is just ripping off others and ripping off the disabled people, which is not only against the law but dishonest as well.
A Rambling Mind of Life.
By Debby Richardson
In the early morning right before the dawn, as I wake with
my cup of coffee my mind starts thinking about everything as its rambling on
with many different thoughts in my head.
Thoughts about maybe one day have a boyfriend, who is a good
hard working, man.
About life in general and how people take life for granted as they take God for granted.
About life in general and how people take life for granted as they take God for granted.
Thoughts about the internet and can one find love. I mean
everlasting love on the internet in today’s day and time.
Why this nation has turned against God, for he is
the most compassionate person you can have in your life.
Then there are my hopes and dreams which one day will come
to pass if I work harder than I am to acquire what I want in life.
Speaking about life I also sit and think about my life, about the passages I read in the bible which is a great awakening, about what God tells me as he is talking to me when I devote a lot of time with him, this I make sure of.
Speaking about life I also sit and think about my life, about the passages I read in the bible which is a great awakening, about what God tells me as he is talking to me when I devote a lot of time with him, this I make sure of.
I sit and think about promotions on my books, and with
social media how stingy people really are.
Not that they do not have money but the lies that associate with the words that comes out of their mouths.
Who to absolutely trust and who not to trust at all.
Not that they do not have money but the lies that associate with the words that comes out of their mouths.
Who to absolutely trust and who not to trust at all.
I sit and think about different methods as to promoting my
books for they are limited. Why my books have not sold and why people’s stupid
excuses sometimes get me down.
When I read a passage in the bible last night, it came very
clear to me why and what God will do about them in which he had told me not to
fear, not to worry for he will take care of said people who talk more than
actions will provide.
In the bible it told me what his actions will be for those
who do not truly believe in him which calmed my worries, and my anxieties as to
no book sales since my books have been out.
God told me to keep writing and keep publishing my books for his plans for me many great plans.
I truly believe what he tells me will come to pass so I will do as my heavenly father tells me for I do obey his words. Unlike many in this nation who say they are Christians.
God told me to keep writing and keep publishing my books for his plans for me many great plans.
I truly believe what he tells me will come to pass so I will do as my heavenly father tells me for I do obey his words. Unlike many in this nation who say they are Christians.
People think I am crazy for telling them God speaks to me,
has shown himself to me and tells me in various ways what to do with my life.
It's people who pressure the opposite to lead them down the wrong path in life, smother you for their own benefit, looking for something that you may not be able to give them.
It is people who follow the devils ways but only take you for your looks and nothing else.
The there is social media and the internet, once a person sees a picture of another person they fall in love with the picture instead of actually getting to knowyt? that person in real life. Yet tells you they love you and question you if you have doubts. Thus putting more pressure in your life, pressure you do not need while in a bad living situation yourself.
They are the kinds of people who only want something from you or to make their bad living situation better for them.
It's people who pressure the opposite to lead them down the wrong path in life, smother you for their own benefit, looking for something that you may not be able to give them.
It is people who follow the devils ways but only take you for your looks and nothing else.
The there is social media and the internet, once a person sees a picture of another person they fall in love with the picture instead of actually getting to knowyt? that person in real life. Yet tells you they love you and question you if you have doubts. Thus putting more pressure in your life, pressure you do not need while in a bad living situation yourself.
They are the kinds of people who only want something from you or to make their bad living situation better for them.
Is there really love on the internet? Or is it all talk to
help one person get a head in life? Thus taking away your plans in life that
you have wanted most all your life.
Oh the thoughts that go through one’s mind especially when
your mind is warning you of possible reoccurring hazards that will happen.
People do not change and people are out for themselves and not your own benefit thus taking your own happiness away from you and your lives plans.
People do not change and people are out for themselves and not your own benefit thus taking your own happiness away from you and your lives plans.
Now you have more to worry about and more stresses places
upon you when you’re not ready to have any one in your life and are not sure
you want anyone in your life, yet they keep pushing you, pursuing you and
wondering where you are at 24/7 if your unable to talk to them or busy or when
that cell phone dies, unable to text them all day long.
People forget sometimes others need a break just to be alone
in their lives, to think about which path would make them happy to go down, not
jump from one relationship or another, while the other party is feeling choked
to death.
Then I sit and think about people in general. I watch people
closely as to their own actions not only on the internet but also in real life
as I go to the store, to church or anywhere I go.
I am good at watching people closely. and know more about a person while watching and analyzing them then they know about themselves.
I am good at watching people closely. and know more about a person while watching and analyzing them then they know about themselves.
Sometimes these people are funny, which gives me a chuckle
here and there.
There goes my rambling mind with so much to think about
including decisions as to this farm on how to make her better but being one
person it’s a little hard to get it up and running by yourself.
Oh yes the glories of a rambling mind. So many questions go
unanswered in one’s life as to thinking about a ton of different things at one
Questions that need answering slowly as you sit and think about one problem or item at a time to better understand life’s motives and life’s ways to be able to live a happier life than you’re already living.
Questions that need answering slowly as you sit and think about one problem or item at a time to better understand life’s motives and life’s ways to be able to live a happier life than you’re already living.
These are stresses people do not think about and sometimes I
wonder if people do have a brain or do they sit on their brains all day on
social media just for the games and to lie to others about this topic, that
topic and to act as if they know it all without knowing a person in depth
without total understanding were the other person is about, what they are
thinking, etc.
Oh yes such a rambling mind which now brings up way to many
questions of life.
Especially early in the morning when a mind is fresh from sleep, thus not devoted to the internet nor anything else in life but what life they are going through at the present moment.
Especially early in the morning when a mind is fresh from sleep, thus not devoted to the internet nor anything else in life but what life they are going through at the present moment.
The problems people face each day of their lives in which
they are trying to better their own life and better what they do in their
chosen craft.
This world I do know is in too much of a hurry and not many
people take time out of their busy activities to verbally pray to God for his
guidance, for help in what situation they are in and to work their tails off in
order to better their own lives.
People have to rely on others dreams and say it’s their dream, others money in order to get a place of their own when the other person is not ready to move in with another who needs time alone to prove to themselves they can make it on their own.
People have to rely on others dreams and say it’s their dream, others money in order to get a place of their own when the other person is not ready to move in with another who needs time alone to prove to themselves they can make it on their own.
Peoples ears are closed as to what the other party or person
wants in life for all they are thinking of how good their life will be once
they get that other person in their live and how good of a life they will have.
In the meantime that other person feels or is feeling trapped already. At times just to be left alone so they can and will accomplish what they need in life.
Once again the HURRY syndrome. The I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL WE GET OUR HOUSE syndrome when the other person is paying for the land and whatever other expenses I will incur.
Their home??? When another person is paying for the land, thus saving up for the land and house?
This tells me they will only be along for the ride, with no deposit, no return on an investment.
Oh yes, I caught him in what seems to be a using lie since he has no money or credit to take out a loan.
I do know I am not that foolish, to hand some man over my money, my land and do as he tells me to do.
In the meantime that other person feels or is feeling trapped already. At times just to be left alone so they can and will accomplish what they need in life.
Once again the HURRY syndrome. The I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL WE GET OUR HOUSE syndrome when the other person is paying for the land and whatever other expenses I will incur.
Their home??? When another person is paying for the land, thus saving up for the land and house?
This tells me they will only be along for the ride, with no deposit, no return on an investment.
Oh yes, I caught him in what seems to be a using lie since he has no money or credit to take out a loan.
I do know I am not that foolish, to hand some man over my money, my land and do as he tells me to do.
This told me this person is going to move in with me and
call my place his? Ummm, I think not, not with my money. I want to live alone
for a while to think and listen to what God tells me, this I have been telling
the other person which is falling on deaf ears. Ahh caught in the act of my
This is the same way for anyone a person meets on the internet.
This is the same way for anyone a person meets on the internet.
If they had a life they would not be on Facebook nor yahoo
chat or anything. If they had money they wouldn’t be looking for better or
anyone but local girls or guys to date and get married to.
Oh yes the rambling mind has done it once again. It has
solved a question I have had for months that all the crap going on is out of
the mouths of liars and thieves.
Not for what a heart is truly meant for and I mean true blue love. These people have other motives and aspirations and your life is not included as to those aspirations in their life, it’s only for them to get ahead in life, to get out of their own situation and for money.
Not for what a heart is truly meant for and I mean true blue love. These people have other motives and aspirations and your life is not included as to those aspirations in their life, it’s only for them to get ahead in life, to get out of their own situation and for money.
No one can fall in love over the internet in a two week span
and keep telling you they love you oh so very much without ever meeting you and
spending time with you face to face.
This has never happened in the entire world or history of the internet and if it did most end up in divorce a year two year later so what is the rush in life?
This has never happened in the entire world or history of the internet and if it did most end up in divorce a year two year later so what is the rush in life?
My rambling mind has just answered some questions I have had
in a while of a situation in which I am going through.
I had no time to stop and think about stuff because of the text messages all day long, my health, my farm chores, my writing, etc. but have come to now realize this situation will not work out.
Too much, too soon and too fast for their benefit only.
I had no time to stop and think about stuff because of the text messages all day long, my health, my farm chores, my writing, etc. but have come to now realize this situation will not work out.
Too much, too soon and too fast for their benefit only.
Thank you rambling mind for always thinking ahead and not
trusting a soul.
A life of solitude and happiness By Debby Richardson
In this crazy world we live in, I’ve found solitude in
knowing my Lord Jesus Christ.
Within this solitude, I’ve found a sense of the happiness with my life, deep within my life and deep within my heart.
America will have been bestowed upon me in lightening my mind and heart to end the many problems and despair in my lifetime that I have endured before getting closer to my dear lord.
Good things are happening in my life and some of the problems that I’ve endured in the past couple years have been clearing up.
Within this solitude, I’ve found a sense of the happiness with my life, deep within my life and deep within my heart.
America will have been bestowed upon me in lightening my mind and heart to end the many problems and despair in my lifetime that I have endured before getting closer to my dear lord.
Good things are happening in my life and some of the problems that I’ve endured in the past couple years have been clearing up.
I feel as if a dark cloud that had hovered over my being,
had been lifted off of my shoulders.
The more I talk to my heavenly father the more I've come to realize facts about my life and where I had gone wrong in my life. A life that I’ve always wanted is coming together. Not the exact way I seek but the way God wants my life to be.
I’ve given all my problems, worries, and concerns over to God.
I know that my life is coming to gether slowly.
The more I talk to my heavenly father the more I've come to realize facts about my life and where I had gone wrong in my life. A life that I’ve always wanted is coming together. Not the exact way I seek but the way God wants my life to be.
I’ve given all my problems, worries, and concerns over to God.
I know that my life is coming to gether slowly.
I see the good things in my life happening. I also see more of a smile on my face, even
though I lived in constant pain.
I’ve come to realize there is a good life out there in which I am on the right path now. God has taken control of my life.
I’ve come to realize there is a good life out there in which I am on the right path now. God has taken control of my life.
Yes, there still will be problems in my life because satin
will always try to bring me to his side.
He won’t succeed.
I and God won’t let this happen. God is my protector. He is my heavenly father, whom I love and cherish oh so much.
I and God won’t let this happen. God is my protector. He is my heavenly father, whom I love and cherish oh so much.
There will be a day when I will be able to join my heavenly
father, but until then, I will continue striving to do his work here on earth
and let him control my life to make it a better life.
There is the heavenly father, a gracious God but one must seek him,
pray to him, and talked to him.
There are many skeptics out of there who do not believe in God and said there is no God.
If they would look deep into their past, heart, mind and life they will see the many mircles God has done for them also.
People are blind and will not sit still long enough in quiet and in seclusion to think and remember those miricles that had happened in their own lives.
Yes there is a God. Just because you can’t see him, does not mean that he is not there. When you get close to God many miracles will happen.
There are many skeptics out of there who do not believe in God and said there is no God.
If they would look deep into their past, heart, mind and life they will see the many mircles God has done for them also.
People are blind and will not sit still long enough in quiet and in seclusion to think and remember those miricles that had happened in their own lives.
Yes there is a God. Just because you can’t see him, does not mean that he is not there. When you get close to God many miracles will happen.
As in my case, I was fighting the IRS for money owed to me,
the other day one of the four checks came. Secondly, I was not paid in years back
by a print on demand publisher. I called them up, they came to tell me that
because I moved and did not notify them of my address, or call them due to
losing my file, the check had came back.
They told me that they will reissue me the checks from my past royalties for the sales of my book “September Fury: The Day Terrorist Tried to Kill the American Dream.”
They told me that they will reissue me the checks from my past royalties for the sales of my book “September Fury: The Day Terrorist Tried to Kill the American Dream.”
The third miracle that had happened in my house, is my Home
Insurance had gotten canceled due to my mortgage company not paying my
insurance out of my escrow.
At this time I was broke. I managed to come up with the money in no time flat (within a couple of days) to pay my Home Insurance so I wouldn’t lose my home.
At this time I was broke. I managed to come up with the money in no time flat (within a couple of days) to pay my Home Insurance so I wouldn’t lose my home.
There have been many other miracles that has happened to me,
what I thought was all a loss and hopeless cause.
I at the time felt that I had nowhere to turn, but prayed and prayed hard to God, asking him for forgiveness for past sins that I had committed years past.
In all of those prayers I also asked him to take those burdens that I carried around for many years and bury them so I could go on with my life in a happy manor, without the heavy heart and mistrust in people that I had all the time.
I at the time felt that I had nowhere to turn, but prayed and prayed hard to God, asking him for forgiveness for past sins that I had committed years past.
In all of those prayers I also asked him to take those burdens that I carried around for many years and bury them so I could go on with my life in a happy manor, without the heavy heart and mistrust in people that I had all the time.
God answer was to lighten my heart. He told me to stay away from negative people
in which I have done so. God has put
trust back into my heart once again. He wants me to watch people closely to be
with positive people instead of negative people.
Since then I am living a life of personal solitude and I have a more happier heart.
Since then I am living a life of personal solitude and I have a more happier heart.
All with God in my life.
Some people need to give God a chance, if only you give yourself to him unconditionally and totally.
Some people need to give God a chance, if only you give yourself to him unconditionally and totally.
A life of expectancy By Debby Richardson
Some people can’t live their lives without trying to live
others’ lives.
By this I mean they want you to be near them, with them and plan everything for them as if they are children, but yet when you do not do this, they plan your life out for you.
By this I mean they want you to be near them, with them and plan everything for them as if they are children, but yet when you do not do this, they plan your life out for you.
What gives people the right to plan your life out when they
can’t even live their own life?
Some of these people I know who are trying to plan my life
out, well they have things to tie up in their own lives before planning my life.
The other few people well they don’t have their own lives on straight either yet tell me what I am going to do or where I am going to live etc. Instead of creating their own lives without me.
The other few people well they don’t have their own lives on straight either yet tell me what I am going to do or where I am going to live etc. Instead of creating their own lives without me.
Now I don’t know why guy’s thinks a woman is a mommy figure
to them or can’t fend on their own without a woman but geesh give me a break. I
am no maid, I am no mommy, most of all I am no slave nor will I ever be. I am me. I live my own life according to God's
Who said I wanted a boyfriend in my life, and why men think
just because they talk to a woman they already have plans on being boyfriend or
girlfriend, who even said I wanted to ever get hitched again which I
don’t. Geesh get on with your own life
and learn to live a little bit instead of being tied down from one woman to the
next right away or even trying to come back to your ex.
What are you men little boys? I am sorry if I am picking
on the men but geesh Louise get a grip already, a woman doesn’t need a man in
her life, I certainly do not need a man in my life, I do need help once in a
while on the farm but that is about all I need.
I don’t need to kissy, huggy and snuggle all the time, there
are chores to be done. There are things to get accomplished and building to be
done, there are animals to be taken care of, gardens to plant, reap and sow,
let a woman have her own life already for she is not a play object nor a piece
of meat if you get my drift.
I have seen this happen time and time again and things just
don’t work out if a person rushes in their lives.
No matter what you think it will not work out at all. Been there, done that and now I don’t trust.
No matter what you think it will not work out at all. Been there, done that and now I don’t trust.
I love my life except living with the ex, I love God and he
is telling me which way to go in my life as soon as I clear up some debt and he
does not have a man in his plans for me nor would I be foolish enough to have
one in my life to order me around, do his laundry, cook for him fend for him or
support one.
I’ve had enough of that crap and then they act like babies
if they don’t hear what they want to hear or conveniently forget what was or is
being told to them.
Women have their own lives as well that they want, yearn and
need to live also.
There are places she wants to go and things she wants to accomplish as men have their bucket lists they want to do before they die.
There are places she wants to go and things she wants to accomplish as men have their bucket lists they want to do before they die.
Me, I am not getting any younger, I‘ve lived others’ lives
and am trying to break away from living others’ lives.
I have never lived my own life and when you tell a man no they think your saying yes then jump to conclusions as to what they think a woman wants to do.
I have never lived my own life and when you tell a man no they think your saying yes then jump to conclusions as to what they think a woman wants to do.
Excuse me, I love myself, I love God and he will always be the
one I answer to. ABSOLUTELY NO ONE ELSE.
I also will love my freedom when I am finally able to break
away from the ex. I won’t have to answer to anyone, do as they say nor be
ordered around like some rag doll on a puppet string, why can’t men get this
through their fat thick heads???
They don’t even get hints as to the word "no" when you explain
to them your intentions, they continue acting and thinking stupidly as per what
a woman wants or is it only what they want and only one sided?
I’ve been without a man for well over 16 yrs. why should I
change my ways and my life for someone else?
I shouldn’t have to, I should only change my ways and my life of what God wants me to do or has in his plans at this point and time in my life.
I am not getting any younger and he has bestowed a lot of dreams and plans in my mind and heart as to where I will be now that I am following his plan.
I shouldn’t have to, I should only change my ways and my life of what God wants me to do or has in his plans at this point and time in my life.
I am not getting any younger and he has bestowed a lot of dreams and plans in my mind and heart as to where I will be now that I am following his plan.
Those who call themselves Christians should sit down and
talk to God, find out what is truly in their heart and what their life should
be instead of flying by the seat of your pants lost in your life, or in outer
Stop and think as to what will be right in your life and a woman
can’t make your life right all the time.
Live do things you always wanted to do I always say and I am so proud of my son for doing what he loves to do, he has traveled to Europe., Canada, Australia, Germany etc. and he is living the way he should be living plus he has a great job he truly loves.
Live do things you always wanted to do I always say and I am so proud of my son for doing what he loves to do, he has traveled to Europe., Canada, Australia, Germany etc. and he is living the way he should be living plus he has a great job he truly loves.
I also keep telling him, live your life first then when your
more settled down find a good woman, he is heeding moms advice and listening to
what mom is saying.
I never had gotten the chance in life and well now is my turn to do as I want in life, my kids are grown up, I am divorced and have been for a long time, I am closer to God and he is telling me which path to take.
It’s just a matter of time in which he will see I make it. With or without a man and he does not have a man in my plans or future plans of yet,
I never had gotten the chance in life and well now is my turn to do as I want in life, my kids are grown up, I am divorced and have been for a long time, I am closer to God and he is telling me which path to take.
It’s just a matter of time in which he will see I make it. With or without a man and he does not have a man in my plans or future plans of yet,
Yes, sometimes it bothers me but not that often, when it's meant to be it will be but to rush into something I don’t need right now or
want due to God's plans for me, well that is not going to happen at all.
Only when God says it's right should I pursue this path but
until then he wants me to get my own life together, get on my own and not let
anyone interfere with my life.
This I will follow, he knows I am tired of getting hurt, used, abused, lied to and conned just so someone else can have his way with me and hurry my life not to mention be rude and crude to me.
This I will follow, he knows I am tired of getting hurt, used, abused, lied to and conned just so someone else can have his way with me and hurry my life not to mention be rude and crude to me.
The internet is nowhere to find a man, only chat friends,
you cannot fall in love with out a man being sincere on the internet this I
learned a long time ago.
On the internet people are not who they seem to be and well they lie, saying things they think a woman want to hear in order to weasel their way into a womans life.
Wanna be cowboys and such saying needless things to a woman just to get her hopes up and then drop them like a lead balloon.
On the internet people are not who they seem to be and well they lie, saying things they think a woman want to hear in order to weasel their way into a womans life.
Wanna be cowboys and such saying needless things to a woman just to get her hopes up and then drop them like a lead balloon.
I have better things to do than to play such childish games,
both in real life and on the internet.
I have a life I need to build for myself, live where I want to live that will make me happy, do what I want to do to make me happy for I am not in the market to make anyone else happy.
I have a life I need to build for myself, live where I want to live that will make me happy, do what I want to do to make me happy for I am not in the market to make anyone else happy.
A man sees a pretty face on the internet or in real life and
they think they can sweet talk and promise all sorts of horseshit to a woman
and she will fall for it, been there done that.
There are no real people in the world who are honest or caring it’s all for themselves flat out to make themselves feel good about catching a pretty girl who will make them feel young again.
Phhhh no reason to start anything up thinking like this.
There are no real people in the world who are honest or caring it’s all for themselves flat out to make themselves feel good about catching a pretty girl who will make them feel young again.
Phhhh no reason to start anything up thinking like this.
But men do it, why I will never understand there are a lot
of woman out there who are single or divorced not wanting to re-hitch, they
have gotten to know who they are and love themselves, they love their
independence and not to be owned by a man.
National statistics state that 44.9% of the unmarried population aged 18 and older are female.
For every 100 unmarried women there are 88 unmarried men. -U.S. Census Bureau. “America’s Families and Living Arrangements: 2010″, 68% of divorced or widowed Americans plan to remain unmarried. – Gallup. 2006. 49.9% of the married population are women, compared to 56.4% of unmarried population. – U.S. Census Bureau. American Community Survey: 2005.
National statistics state that 44.9% of the unmarried population aged 18 and older are female.
For every 100 unmarried women there are 88 unmarried men. -U.S. Census Bureau. “America’s Families and Living Arrangements: 2010″, 68% of divorced or widowed Americans plan to remain unmarried. – Gallup. 2006. 49.9% of the married population are women, compared to 56.4% of unmarried population. – U.S. Census Bureau. American Community Survey: 2005.
So as you can see by these National Statistics there is
nothing wrong with a woman or man being single and never remarried again.
Please people run your own lives instead of people telling
you what to do or assume they know what is better for you than what you know is
better for you.
These people who want to plan your life has a life expectancy of what will never happen. They expect others to do as they say and what they want.
These people who want to plan your life has a life expectancy of what will never happen. They expect others to do as they say and what they want.
Not here it won’t happen, go look elsewhere. People who plan
others lives out really need to work on their own lives first. Then ask the
other person what their plans are for their lives not assume they can take
action as to another persons life.
Following the Scriptures.
By Debby Richardson
When you read the
bible, you’ll notice God's words.
These are not only the words he has spoken, but also telling us as to how we as Christian’s should live to become closer to him.
These scriptures are showing us the path in which we should be walking in God's footsteps to righteousness to be able to go to heaven and to be saved from our sins.
These are not only the words he has spoken, but also telling us as to how we as Christian’s should live to become closer to him.
These scriptures are showing us the path in which we should be walking in God's footsteps to righteousness to be able to go to heaven and to be saved from our sins.
You will also see
throughout the bible in different passages predictions of what the world is
going through and what was predicted to happen as to what the world is going
through right now if you don’t believe in God our Father, you won’t see what is
happening or what can happen by Gods predictions.
Christians see what
the world is going through with the nation and when you read the complete
passages in the bible, it had been predicted by God of the events that are
happening in today’s nation and events yet to come in the bible long ago
when Christ was living on this earth.
The same exact events such as debt of our nation, mass killings, lack of jobs, famine, poverty, changes to all nations, killings, the destruction of citizens and the list goes on.
This is all for power and money not to mention greed which is the devils ways to bring people closer to him, as had happened throughout the bible.
The same exact events such as debt of our nation, mass killings, lack of jobs, famine, poverty, changes to all nations, killings, the destruction of citizens and the list goes on.
This is all for power and money not to mention greed which is the devils ways to bring people closer to him, as had happened throughout the bible.
Until people continue
to sin and not have God in their lives, things will get worse, but to the true
believers and true Christians things will be unchanged or even in some cases get
better. God will protect us due to our undivided faith and love for him.
The 10 commandments
in the bible is God’s law by which we should follow in order to be saved.
This is the only way we better our lives and will be pleasing to God to be able to live in God’s mercy.
Grant you, we are only human and at times, we fall, but God understands this and picks us up again. He leads us back to his way, a way we should be living at all times.
This is the only way we better our lives and will be pleasing to God to be able to live in God’s mercy.
Grant you, we are only human and at times, we fall, but God understands this and picks us up again. He leads us back to his way, a way we should be living at all times.
Not all in the bible
is all bad, things that are going to happen, most are good things yet to come
when we believe and passionately love our Lord.
There is light at the end of the tunnel that the nations are seeing what is happening, reading their bibles and hearing God's words come true.
You just have to believe fully and read the bible, listen to his Sunday sermons at your church, and pray to God with all your heart. God will see how much you care for him, love him, and have faith in him.
There is light at the end of the tunnel that the nations are seeing what is happening, reading their bibles and hearing God's words come true.
You just have to believe fully and read the bible, listen to his Sunday sermons at your church, and pray to God with all your heart. God will see how much you care for him, love him, and have faith in him.
You have to keep in
mind that God is the maker of the heaven and earth; he created each one of us
and the world in which we live. He is our savior and our salvation, he will
protect us from all evil as it states in the bible.
One must have pure faith. Once you have your pure faith in our gracious Lord, all things are possible and righteous.
The word of God in the bible is God’s truth as to the way life as we live it should be, if you follow his word by reading scriptures on a daily basis, your life will change and you will see those changes slowly and clearly once, you’re closer to God.
One must have pure faith. Once you have your pure faith in our gracious Lord, all things are possible and righteous.
The word of God in the bible is God’s truth as to the way life as we live it should be, if you follow his word by reading scriptures on a daily basis, your life will change and you will see those changes slowly and clearly once, you’re closer to God.
Put full trust in God
and follow the scriptures closely than apply God's words in the scriptures to
change your ways, to become better people in the Christian faith and stay away
from sinful acts.
The love and mercy of our lord Jesus Christ is a forgiving God, he will forgive you of all past sins.
The love and mercy of our lord Jesus Christ is a forgiving God, he will forgive you of all past sins.
Honor and Cherish God
in whole heart mind and soul, then and you will be saved from all evil and all
The scriptures will not lead you astray for God is your protector; he only says the truth and knows what is best for you in the bible scriptures and will lead you on the path to righteousness.
The scriptures will not lead you astray for God is your protector; he only says the truth and knows what is best for you in the bible scriptures and will lead you on the path to righteousness.
Handling the Extra Stresses
of No Money. By Debby Richardson
In times of high costs, and our hubbies on
the roads, there are a lot of stresses that are associated with this industry.
Not only stresses with our hubby’s jobs, but also money stresses, especially when a company wants to “Rip” off the drivers.
Not only stresses with our hubby’s jobs, but also money stresses, especially when a company wants to “Rip” off the drivers.
By this I mean that when your hubby decides
to move with a company who pays better then the old company, the old company
decides to take this cost out or that cost out thus either making your last
paycheck almost nothing, or you actually do not receive one because some of the
companies are stingy and want to make up costs that really is supposed to be
their costs.
You start to worry how are you going to feed
the family, or pay the bills.
We as driver’s wives already have stresses placed upon us and this is just one added stress in our lives that we must deal with.
We as driver’s wives already have stresses placed upon us and this is just one added stress in our lives that we must deal with.
Take for instance,
my husband found a better paying job just recently. He was supposed to drive
his pickup truck, which is an old Chevy S10 down to Birmingham, AL.
He only had thirty dollars in his pocket and when he and I went to the bank my account said that I only had $24.83 in it, when I tried to get him some money to get him down to his new job.
Imagine how I felt knowing he had to leave out with only thirty dollars in his wallet.
By the time he purchased a quart of oil, and gas the total was $27.00 for this leaving him four dollars to his name.
He only had thirty dollars in his pocket and when he and I went to the bank my account said that I only had $24.83 in it, when I tried to get him some money to get him down to his new job.
Imagine how I felt knowing he had to leave out with only thirty dollars in his wallet.
By the time he purchased a quart of oil, and gas the total was $27.00 for this leaving him four dollars to his name.
Imagine the stress I was going through. I
worried and worried basically going crazy.
I called my brother in law telling him that his company had not paid my husband the money from his runs, which was told to him on Thursday of $594.04.
I wondered where the money went, my house note is due and I need to pay this, my husband had no money and neither did I to live on for the week. I asked my brother in law if he could borrow my husband some money until I got a paycheck and he did.
I called my brother in law telling him that his company had not paid my husband the money from his runs, which was told to him on Thursday of $594.04.
I wondered where the money went, my house note is due and I need to pay this, my husband had no money and neither did I to live on for the week. I asked my brother in law if he could borrow my husband some money until I got a paycheck and he did.
Now with out my brother in law what would my
husband have done to get to his job in Alabama? What would I have done?
This is one of the stresses I am talking about. When my husband called he told me that he had to put in yet another $30.00 in gas in that truck. Needless to say he made it to Alabama on time and did make it to Alabama without breaking down on the side of the road.
This is one of the stresses I am talking about. When my husband called he told me that he had to put in yet another $30.00 in gas in that truck. Needless to say he made it to Alabama on time and did make it to Alabama without breaking down on the side of the road.
I sat and analyzed our situation. I vowed
that when he gets his paycheck, I’m not only going to put some money away in
the checking or hide some money in the house for emergencies in case something
like this ever happened again.
I also told my husband to put $50.00 extra in his wallet and hide it in one of the small pockets of his wallet as well. This way when something like this happens he will have money to fall back on.
I also told my husband to put $50.00 extra in his wallet and hide it in one of the small pockets of his wallet as well. This way when something like this happens he will have money to fall back on.
This would be a smart thing for everyone to
do no matter if they are a driver or just driver a four wheeler. Hide some
extra money in your car somewhere, put extra money in your pocket book or
wallet and hide it, do not use it unless absolutely have to.
Also hide some extra money somewhere in the
house where you remember where it is in case of an emergency such as deep in a
closet, in your dresser drawers, under a mattress of your bed or in between
both mattresses of your bed.
If you have a waterbed under the water mattress somewhere, it doesn’t matter as long as you remember yourself where it is in case of an emergency.
If you have a waterbed under the water mattress somewhere, it doesn’t matter as long as you remember yourself where it is in case of an emergency.
Having hope
By Debby Richardson
Have you ever had dreams and goals that you thought would
never aspire? Have you lost hope when those dreams, goals and aspirations
didn't aspire right away or things in your life did not go the right way as
I've had many hopes in my lifetime and with perseverance,
patience, and prayers to our good lord and kept my hope for those things in
life, most of my dreams, aspirations and goals have aspired in my lifetime.
The first of my dreams that have aspired due to prayers to
our good lord, I do not worry about small stuff and I pray every day for our
good lord to help me with what dreams of mine that I would like to do.
This brings hope in my life knowing that our lord is on my side and will eventually help me when he sees fit.
This brings hope in my life knowing that our lord is on my side and will eventually help me when he sees fit.
It does take time to become whatever you want in life and
that is the second reason I must mention. PATIENCE.
You must remember that Rome
was not built in a day. It takes time and sometimes lots of time to do what you
want in life as long as your dream or goal stays in your heart, mind and soul.
STAYING POSITIVE no matter what tries to bring you down or
against your dreams and goals is the number one advised that I can give to you.
Do not let anyone take away your hope and dreams in life, this is a sure sign of failure.
Do not let anyone take away your hope and dreams in life, this is a sure sign of failure.
People who do not support you in your endeavors in life are
jealous and want to see you fail in life. Keep up the positive attitude and have
an, “I can” attitude and then things will eventually go your way in any
aspiration you set fourth for yourself.
This means do not give up, you must work hard and do whatever
it takes in order to make it in your chosen dream and goals which brings hope
at every little step that you may acquire along the way which brings up your
Each success of you're your stairway to your aspirations will bring more hope and more self-esteem.
Each success of you're your stairway to your aspirations will bring more hope and more self-esteem.
You need to do what makes you happy in life and talk to
people who have been through what your going through. This also brings hope for
you knowing that you’re not alone when trying to get out of your comfort zone and doing
something different that most people are afraid to do because they are afraid
to get out of their own comfort zone. Don't be afraid of you and your abilities
in life.
The third of these things that brings hope in your life is
doing what it takes to get to where you want to be in life.
If you have to work twelve to sixteen hours a day when starting a business, then work these hours to get that business started. Come up with different marketing ideas in order to get the word out to the public and to market your product or service that you have chosen to do in your life.
Just keep going non-stop like a steam plow in winter.
If you have to work twelve to sixteen hours a day when starting a business, then work these hours to get that business started. Come up with different marketing ideas in order to get the word out to the public and to market your product or service that you have chosen to do in your life.
Just keep going non-stop like a steam plow in winter.
If you keep the hope, keep the I can do attitude, do not
listen to those who are jealous or do not know what you’re trying to accomplish
for yourself in life and tell you how to go about doing things the right way
toward your endeavors, you do not keep a positive attitude and stay focused as
to your endeavors, you will then fail in your life time.
If you pursue your aspirations in life full steam ahead with
the I can do attitude, keep your hopes and faith in yourself along with faith
in our gracious Lord, while trying to accomplish your endeavors, then you will
be a success in life.
You will be more positive toward your abilities in life
and will move forward with more hope for bigger and better things, that you
wish to accomplish in your lifetime.
Keep pushing for things that you want in
life and you will be a huge success in life.
As I sit on my
computer looking for grants to start a rescue ranch for sick, injured, abused
and neglected farm animals, I come to realize why Americans are so unhealthy.
The more I thought about this issue the more it makes a lot of sense.
The more I thought about this issue the more it makes a lot of sense.
Most Americans do
not eat healthy meals. With the on rise of fast food restaurants, which mind
you is mostly fried and greasy foods, there really is not much nutritional
value to their daily food intake, thus leads to heart attacks, strokes, obesity
all due to the American society is to lazy to stay home and cook their own
meals which is more nutritious than fast food restaurants.
Now people are
worried about eating healthy with tofu foods and organic foods to stay healthy.
This is all fine and dandy but if you do not get fresh air or eat other good
foods such as red meats, potatoes, vegetables, and fruits plus drink milk or
water at least once a day, a person will not be as healthy as they want to be.
It takes a well
balanced meal or two in order to keep up the zinc and natural vitamins that
your body needs to fight off such diseases and illness’s, the nutrition in your
body gives you energy and to be more healthy that what society is now.
Another reason why
Americans are not as healthy as they should be is that Americans do not get out
an exercise or get fresh air.
Going places like to the park, take a walk, go to the zoo or any outside activities even in winter time leads to a cleaner and healthier way of life.
When you sit in the house or an office all day you breathe in all of the stagnant air in and out all day long. Thus leading to asthma, emphysema, again obesity, stressful situations, heat attacks, strokes and other illness’s all due to lack of exercise and lack of fresh air outside.
Going places like to the park, take a walk, go to the zoo or any outside activities even in winter time leads to a cleaner and healthier way of life.
When you sit in the house or an office all day you breathe in all of the stagnant air in and out all day long. Thus leading to asthma, emphysema, again obesity, stressful situations, heat attacks, strokes and other illness’s all due to lack of exercise and lack of fresh air outside.
People are worried
about the suns rays and how harmful they are. If they are so harmful why do
farmers who are outside all of the time live long healthy lives? I’ve seen
people who are scared of their own shadows and the more the media publicizes
health issues such as the H1N1 virus, people have run to obtain a flu shot in
fear they are going to get the H1N1 flu. I have not yet obtained a flu shot yet
and I am as healthy as can be.
All these so called
medications are not good for a person but people rely on them day in and day
out thus bringing down their own metabolism which fights off such diseases.
I have never gone for a flu through out my adult years. I don’t get the flu either, once and a very great while I get a cold, and bronchitis but that is it. With natural home remedies I can take care of myself and be on the mend with in two days.
I have never gone for a flu through out my adult years. I don’t get the flu either, once and a very great while I get a cold, and bronchitis but that is it. With natural home remedies I can take care of myself and be on the mend with in two days.
A person can sit there
making up excuses all day long as to why they should not do things, oh I am so
busy or I don’t feel like doing this or that, or I just don’t have the time.
You have to make the time and be more self conscious as to what you’re doing to your body and what you eat to make yourself healthier instead of following fad diets or fad this etc.
With a mindset of “Oh, I have to follow a trend of what everyone else is doing. No you don’t.
You have to make the time and be more self conscious as to what you’re doing to your body and what you eat to make yourself healthier instead of following fad diets or fad this etc.
With a mindset of “Oh, I have to follow a trend of what everyone else is doing. No you don’t.
A person must think
of their body and how healthy they want to be and by eating the right foods as
your mama had taught you when you were little and getting fresh air (this is
why your mama’s would chase you outside to play when you were little) and
getting exercise outside a person would live a more healthy life and a longer
life as well. Why do you think people in years back would live until they were
90 to 100 years old?
Personally, I feel
these fads are foolish and I don’t follow them.
I also do not get sick but once a year or every two years for I do eat the right foods, and watch what I do.
I love spending time outside gardening or walking the dogs or just sit on the porch just to get out of the house and get some fresh air now that I am in the city, but when I obtain the rescue ranch in the next few months, I will be outside farming which is healthy exercise for my body and when I come in make a decent meal for myself and obtain plenty of sleep and rest in order to mow through the next day’s busy schedule.
Life’s Unfair Advantages.
By Debby Richardson
I also do not get sick but once a year or every two years for I do eat the right foods, and watch what I do.
I love spending time outside gardening or walking the dogs or just sit on the porch just to get out of the house and get some fresh air now that I am in the city, but when I obtain the rescue ranch in the next few months, I will be outside farming which is healthy exercise for my body and when I come in make a decent meal for myself and obtain plenty of sleep and rest in order to mow through the next day’s busy schedule.
Life’s Unfair Advantages.
By Debby Richardson
Do you ever feel that things consistently go
wrong all the time in your life? I do most of the time.
No matter how hard I work, I still get nowhere;
once I begin to save up money someone is always planning ways of me spending it
for it’s their own frivolous actions and conning demeanor that sets another
Then there is bad things that happen such as a car going down, pets
getting sick, your health going down, me being a writer can’t find a writing
job, and unable to find the right home to move into that you dream of having,
either the home is too expensive, home has no land that you’re looking for but
a pretty house, or land but no house as to what your able to afford.
At times it seems as if you’re not going to
get ahead in life, you’re always helping others expecting others to help you as
it says in the bible, but low and behold they don’t help at all, they do more
harm to help you than good to help you.
Now you’re self how does she know what makes
her an expert. Ok let me explain. Since I had gotten on my own at age 18 many
years ago, I had dreams of becoming a writer, since I’ve written four books,
many articles won awards etc. and still no writing jobs and I am stuck.
I’ve always wanted a nice working farm, or a
ranch all of my life to be able to raise animals for I simply love animals,
well this has not transpired, the ex is trying to hurry up buy me a home for
the last few years and it turns out this house is nothing but a money pit. Ugggh,
about to drive me crazy.
Then I want to find some land about 15 – 25 +
acres with a 4 bedroom 2 bath home up in the mountains. Either I am finding
land with no house on it, a house with no land on it and boy the cost of houses
now days does not meet my budget. So now I feel stuck in this money pit which
will fall down upon my head as the neighbors and the sound of cars drive me up
the wall.
I moved to the country to obtain quiet in order for me to keep a clear head, be relaxed and write great novels, not to mention be outside to get some fresh air, and to make a regular farm out of this 5 acres. Didn’t happen.
I moved to the country to obtain quiet in order for me to keep a clear head, be relaxed and write great novels, not to mention be outside to get some fresh air, and to make a regular farm out of this 5 acres. Didn’t happen.
Then my health in the last few years has gone
downhill with back problems, and knee problems making me unable to work.
Ha who wants a 55 yr. old woman who can hardly walk, can’t lift, can hardly
bend, but strives to work for a living and get off disability.
At times I have a hard time sitting for long amounts of time. But I muddle through and this is why they make programs to be able to dictate to the computer.
At times I have a hard time sitting for long amounts of time. But I muddle through and this is why they make programs to be able to dictate to the computer.
Then there is the ex-well as soon as I got my
disability I had money enough to put in the bank when it first started, he
conned me telling me he wanted to go into lawn care, he whined and cried like a
little baby until I gave in, as a matter of fact the same day I had gotten my
ten years back pay from fighting for 13 yrs. he wanted a truck his old boss was
selling, dummy me thought ok I need an extra vehicle here in case the red one
goes down. Low and behold I ended up purchasing this truck, no I did not put
the truck into his name.
There went my house and land money, which at the time I had no plans of purchasing until the last year.
There went my house and land money, which at the time I had no plans of purchasing until the last year.
So here I am stuck, stuck in a rut looking
for a home and land of my own to move onto, now the ex wants to sell this house,
move with me who I do not want, and help me. help me? You mean help you and
keep getting conned by you. You’re a hindrance than help.
Now I am in need of a writing job where I can
work for an hour to four hours a day, 6 days a week and yet am unable to find a
job in order for me to save up for my home, I am unable to take out a loan due
to I don’t get that much on disability and loan companies only go according to
how long a person has been working, yes there are programs out there for
disabled people to obtain a loan but they have too many rules and regulations
that I don’t want to have. So I nixed the hud help, the rural development loans
etc. due to being told who I can and cannot have on my new land, whether or not
I can start a business which I can’t, I can’t have a farm etc. which if it were
a conventional loan you can do anything you wish, you’re paying for the loan
but yet others want to dictate your life since your disabled and taking out a
disabled loan. No way.
Every time I turn around there are obstacles
in life I need to overcome, it’s bad enough that I am now disabled and trying
to make it in the world and build my own life but I do not want to live in
poverty, no home and or live with others in my home.
So I ask God for strength and to help me find
a job that I am able to do while at home in the mornings.
Let’s just hold disabled people back instead of helping them get ahead. Sheesh not me I will do this on my own somehow some way but it does get frustrating.
Let’s just hold disabled people back instead of helping them get ahead. Sheesh not me I will do this on my own somehow some way but it does get frustrating.
Maybe one
day I will find a writing job, teach myself how to copywrite, become a blogger,
content write and keep working and writing on new books then I will be able to
save and obtain my land and home on my own without any loans.
I am not
a stupid person and God will give me ideas and strength to get through these
obstacles of life and man.
Memories of Yesterday
By Debby Richardson
I’ve been sitting here thinking about the things I love the
most. Mostly things from years past.
Now I know some may call me a dreamer and I live in the past which at times I do for it was a much simpler time in my life time.
The memories of yesteryear are oh so clear and oh so simple in the way I used to live before than the way I try and live today.
Things like when I was 9 yrs. old I used to not only help out on the ranch but autumn was my favorite time of year.
I would sneak away from the ranch and hide in the woods near the ranch, I would walk through the woods, looking at the amazement colors of fall, picking up leaves and the smell of autumn was crisp and clean, there was a sense of being with God when I was there.
Now I know some may call me a dreamer and I live in the past which at times I do for it was a much simpler time in my life time.
The memories of yesteryear are oh so clear and oh so simple in the way I used to live before than the way I try and live today.
Things like when I was 9 yrs. old I used to not only help out on the ranch but autumn was my favorite time of year.
I would sneak away from the ranch and hide in the woods near the ranch, I would walk through the woods, looking at the amazement colors of fall, picking up leaves and the smell of autumn was crisp and clean, there was a sense of being with God when I was there.
I would
watch the wild animals, deer antelope, squirrels, etc. while I was walking
quietly in these woods when I came to the stream I would walk right through
these streams and creeks. Yes they were cold this time of year some frozen over
but I had a blast.
This was my private playground were no one knew where I was, it was my sanctuary and safe haven of the world, of the ranch and of rodeoin and the yelling my granddaddy used to do as he worked us all like slaves on the ranch.
I also loved being with the horses their smell, their soft coat after grooming them, and the stalls, I loved working with the straw and hay. This too was my heaven were I just loved being with all of the animals of the ranch.
I have so many good glorious memories of my grandmother and her church doings we used to go to, how people were back then, the wooden fences we my granddaddy, brothers, wranglers and myself put up and the fields in summertime with its wild flowers glistening against the deep blue skies of Wyoming.
Back then I felt free oh as free as a wild critter without a care in the world.
As I grew older I would stop and think about these glorious days, where we didn’t have to worry about anything, no problems with the nation that was my granddaddy’s job, clothing and food which was my grandmother’s job while she was alive.
All we had to worry about was working, not getting granddaddy mad at us so we would not get a whipping of a life time, and just being kids.
I also remember all the snow storms we used to have, in winter time it was hard work trudging through the drifts of snow.
Back then my legs were shorter and me, trying to cut through the drifts of snow was a job in its self to get to the barn to take care of the animals.
I remember the Christmas’s all of the time. Lord it seemed we had a house full of people which we did, there were 25 wranglers plus their families plus all of us plus wrangler’s kids and neighbors who could make the trip to come for our annual Christmas bash on Christmas Eve. Was a fun time for sure.
This was my private playground were no one knew where I was, it was my sanctuary and safe haven of the world, of the ranch and of rodeoin and the yelling my granddaddy used to do as he worked us all like slaves on the ranch.
I also loved being with the horses their smell, their soft coat after grooming them, and the stalls, I loved working with the straw and hay. This too was my heaven were I just loved being with all of the animals of the ranch.
I have so many good glorious memories of my grandmother and her church doings we used to go to, how people were back then, the wooden fences we my granddaddy, brothers, wranglers and myself put up and the fields in summertime with its wild flowers glistening against the deep blue skies of Wyoming.
Back then I felt free oh as free as a wild critter without a care in the world.
As I grew older I would stop and think about these glorious days, where we didn’t have to worry about anything, no problems with the nation that was my granddaddy’s job, clothing and food which was my grandmother’s job while she was alive.
All we had to worry about was working, not getting granddaddy mad at us so we would not get a whipping of a life time, and just being kids.
I also remember all the snow storms we used to have, in winter time it was hard work trudging through the drifts of snow.
Back then my legs were shorter and me, trying to cut through the drifts of snow was a job in its self to get to the barn to take care of the animals.
I remember the Christmas’s all of the time. Lord it seemed we had a house full of people which we did, there were 25 wranglers plus their families plus all of us plus wrangler’s kids and neighbors who could make the trip to come for our annual Christmas bash on Christmas Eve. Was a fun time for sure.
The men would
go drink their whiskey over an open fire barrel granddaddy made, the women
would be in the parlor sipping on hot apple cider, hot tea or coffee, us kids
would be running around like mad commanchies chasing one another through that
huge house. It may have been noisy but it sure was a lot of fun.
As the fireplace blazed bright red, orange and yellow flames you could smell the cedar from the cedar logs that was aged for two years before it was put in the fireplace on all of our Christmas events or what we call shindigs.
Then when Santa came (one of our wranglers) this was a funny sight for the older kids knew who Santa was or who was in the Santa suit. Lol it was my uncle Jed, he always played Santa every year so not to tip us younger kids off, and the gifts under the tree, sheesh it looked like a free for all there let me tell you, there were so many gifts they had to line the front wall stacked above the windows.
You couldn’t see out until the gifts were all opened up, there was laughter and chatter in the room all of the time. The house and land was decked out with decorations through and through which looked like a Wyoming winter wonderland. It was so neat, I still to this day picture the way the ranch was back then.
Oh these are many more glorious memories back home in Wyoming and all I have now is the happiness of thinking about all these memories.
Sure we had a lot of good times but we also had a lot of hard times. This is yet another thought I will one day write.
To this day all these memories of simpler times of my life brings a smile to my face, yes I miss these events all of the time, but at least no one can take these away from me. I sure wish life was like that again.
Hope this all put a smile on your faces.
As the fireplace blazed bright red, orange and yellow flames you could smell the cedar from the cedar logs that was aged for two years before it was put in the fireplace on all of our Christmas events or what we call shindigs.
Then when Santa came (one of our wranglers) this was a funny sight for the older kids knew who Santa was or who was in the Santa suit. Lol it was my uncle Jed, he always played Santa every year so not to tip us younger kids off, and the gifts under the tree, sheesh it looked like a free for all there let me tell you, there were so many gifts they had to line the front wall stacked above the windows.
You couldn’t see out until the gifts were all opened up, there was laughter and chatter in the room all of the time. The house and land was decked out with decorations through and through which looked like a Wyoming winter wonderland. It was so neat, I still to this day picture the way the ranch was back then.
Oh these are many more glorious memories back home in Wyoming and all I have now is the happiness of thinking about all these memories.
Sure we had a lot of good times but we also had a lot of hard times. This is yet another thought I will one day write.
To this day all these memories of simpler times of my life brings a smile to my face, yes I miss these events all of the time, but at least no one can take these away from me. I sure wish life was like that again.
Hope this all put a smile on your faces.
The Benefits of Travel. By Debby Richardson
There are many reasons why people want to travel for long
periods of time or for short periods of time is many. Here are a few in detail
the reasons why people travel,
The first reason is to get away from the grind of every day life
and worries, to clear their heads and emotions and just to get away from it all
and to relax, to think, to become a different person with a clearer mind and to
become their normal selves.
The second reason is for business, most people in the
corporate world need to go to meetings or conventions and or classes to learn
new techniques as to what type of business they are in or the latest trends of
how to expand their business to better their business as well. This way they
can grow their business and keep up to date on sales and trends.
The third reason for travel is to be with the family or have
more family time, people enjoy their families more while on vacations and to
provide memories of being with their families.
Their children will also remember and reminisce as to the great vacations they used to have with their moms and dads, this brings a family closer to each other to bond tighter as a family.
Their children will also remember and reminisce as to the great vacations they used to have with their moms and dads, this brings a family closer to each other to bond tighter as a family.
The fourth reason is for the ladies of the world, if you
have close friends who are ladies you want to spend some fun time with your
friends again to form a closer relationship with your friends and also to have
fun on a girls weekend or week outing without having men or the kids with you,
again to get away from the everyday grind of house work, work, business, kids,
animals underfoot etc.
The fifth reason for travel is also to see visit with loved
ones who live far away. This again brings joy into hearts of families who do
for they don’t get to see their loved ones on a daily basis if their children
move to various parts of the nation or abroad.
Its again is quality time with grandchildren they haven’t seen in years or even their own children they haven’t seen in years.
This brings smiles on the grandparent’s faces to see loved ones again especially if they live by themselves.
Its again is quality time with grandchildren they haven’t seen in years or even their own children they haven’t seen in years.
This brings smiles on the grandparent’s faces to see loved ones again especially if they live by themselves.
The last reason I can also think of is for the men who hunt
animals, this to them makes them feel like a man and also helps them get away
from the family for a few days, they want to see if they can bag that deer with
the biggest horns or that bear or whatever animal they at the time they are
Some hunt strictly for sport, others hunt strictly for food and
pleasure. It’s their way of relaxing and getting to know who they are as a man
along with feeling more macho that they can go bag that huge antler deer.
There are many more reasons why people travel as well but I
feel I’ve covered the most important reasons of all why travel is so good on a
person for various reasons.
Truckdrivers and Professionalism. By Debby Richardson
Most of us in the industry know the
contributions that trucking industry brings to our nation's economy. .
People look at those in the trucking industry as non-professional due to the factors of the way we are treated. Sometimes the way we are treated has an effect of our own outlook of who we are not only as truckdrivers, but also as people in general.
Trucking is the most important job there is and what we should do is become professional in not only our driving habits, attitudes, character etc. that we portray to the public. This includes being professional while under pressure.
People look at those in the trucking industry as non-professional due to the factors of the way we are treated. Sometimes the way we are treated has an effect of our own outlook of who we are not only as truckdrivers, but also as people in general.
Trucking is the most important job there is and what we should do is become professional in not only our driving habits, attitudes, character etc. that we portray to the public. This includes being professional while under pressure.
The character and
integrity of a driver should be the most important factor in your driving
career. Honesty and forthrightness, trustworthiness, continual improvement, a
yearn to press yourself for excellence, being responsible and accountable in
your delivery times and freight, projecting a professional image in not only
traffic situations but also your personal situations at the shipping docks, in
front of employers etc. this meaning hold your tempers.
Maturity and conduct is also included this sector as well. Another thing to consider to being a professional driver is the confidences and confidentiality that you, yourself can bring by being professional at all times when encountering other drivers, shippers, receivers, the public etc.
Maturity and conduct is also included this sector as well. Another thing to consider to being a professional driver is the confidences and confidentiality that you, yourself can bring by being professional at all times when encountering other drivers, shippers, receivers, the public etc.
Being a professional driver also includes,
following instructions as per given by your employer and dispatcher with out
confrontations, being a team player, and most of all using your manners in
front of clients, employers and even other co workers, this along with doing
what is right in order to make your job more successful and more pleasant to
Grant you, your job is stressful with being
away from home, not to mention shippers and receivers with attitude problems
and on top of encountering aggressive drivers is a regular occurrence.
In extreme cases, their aggression turns into road rage and altercations on the roadway that can put the safety of you and others in jeopardy.
In extreme cases, their aggression turns into road rage and altercations on the roadway that can put the safety of you and others in jeopardy.
Here’s some advice that will help you stay
safe when confronted by an aggressive driver. Stay calm and relaxed, avoid eye
contact, steer clear and try to get out of the vicinity, don’t challenge or
confront an aggressive driver, as this could make matters worse, use your horn
sparingly, ignore inappropriate hand or facial gestures, and do not return
them, resist any attempts by an aggressive driver to engage you verbally.
If you have a cell phone and can do it
safely, report aggressive driving incidents to local law enforcement call.
Provide them with a vehicle description, license number, location and direction
of travel.
The more you show professionalism on the job
the more shippers, receivers, employers and also co workers will respect you
and the more runs and or accounts you will achieve by being professional in
every way, no matter what situation you encounter.
It was once told to me that if you look and
dress like a slob you will be considered a slob. Well those days are gone, when
you’re out and about, wear your t-shirts tucked into your pants, and your hair
is combed and in place which looks nice to the public. Grant you, your unable
to take showers every day. Then slap on some aftershave lotion or for the
female drivers some perfume on to make yourself smell good for the day, tuck in
those shirts and if you have long hair have it tied back to where it looks
The way you portray yourself to people the
better off you are, in not only the public’s eye but also the pride you will
take in not only your job but also being a truck driver. Not to mention the more respect you will gain
by these little hints in portraying your self as a true blue professional truck
Facts about Western Women
By Debby Richardson
Women of the American wild-west had to be a resourceful lot
to cope with the elements that surrounded them: the harsh conditions,
lawlessness and living in an age where there were few amenities.
Some women took to the gun as readily as any man and others made lives for themselves apart from dignified society.
But for women who made the trek west with their families, their lot was in raising children, running a household (that included food processing, candle and soap making, spinning, weaving, knitting, etc.), establishing schools and churches, and occasionally, warding off Indian attacks. Some were deeply involved in human and voting rights (the suffragette movement). Here are just a few profiles of some of the more famous or infamous of the ladies of the Wild West.
Some women took to the gun as readily as any man and others made lives for themselves apart from dignified society.
But for women who made the trek west with their families, their lot was in raising children, running a household (that included food processing, candle and soap making, spinning, weaving, knitting, etc.), establishing schools and churches, and occasionally, warding off Indian attacks. Some were deeply involved in human and voting rights (the suffragette movement). Here are just a few profiles of some of the more famous or infamous of the ladies of the Wild West.
Some of the women of the western frontier were:
Annie Oakley
Belle Starr
Big-Nose Kate
Calamity Jane
Willa Cather
Mary Jane Colter
Cattle Kate
Abigail Scott Duniway
Helen Hunt Jackson
Carry Amelia Moore Nation
Poker Alice
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Women's Suffrage
And we think we have it bad in modern times.
Women of the west
also would take no burrows milk (nonsense) in their lives. Those who had no
children or whose children were grown up would work on the ranch side by side
with the wranglers, thus doing the same thing the men on the ranch would do
from roping, riding, branding, mending fence, building etc. on top of their own
chores such as cooking, cleaning, washing cloths, making lye soap, feeding
their own animals which were kept in barns near the house, etc.
There was always something to do on the ranch and never a dull moment.
There was always something to do on the ranch and never a dull moment.
Those days were long
hard days. Getting up at 5 a.m. done with breakfast by 6 a.m. and out in the
pastures or working in the barns 6:15 a.m. They would work until the daily
chores would be down or until sunset unless it was birthing season, then the
wranglers and women even some older children would do 24 hour shifts to make
sure that every animal was all right until they had their babies.
Women of the west
had hard hearts and had strength to get through any rough situation. Sometimes
they would break but very rarely. They had no time to be overly emotional
about things that went on in their lives.
When a woman of the
west fell in love, they love with whole heart, mind, and soul. They were true
to their man that they were hitched to after a courting period. They were very
devoted to their man and their families and did what they could to help make
the ranch into a home setting, even with what little items they had in their
live's. They loved and love true. There was no such thing as a divorce rate as
there is now days.
There was no
pre-marital sex or living together back then. Those women who had pre-marital
sex before getting hitched were labeled a lady in the line or a nymphus du
prairie meaning prostitute and were shunned from society and looked down upon
do loss of dignity and respect of themselves.
They also lived by
the cowboy codes of the 1800's and were taught from very young the values of
life, western values, morals, standards and personal morals.
You might say women of the west were strong willed and could be as tough if not tougher than their male counterparts.
You might say women of the west were strong willed and could be as tough if not tougher than their male counterparts.
They were brought up
on honesty, respect, dignity, and to honor the western ways of life. They lived
by the values and morals that their kin had instilled in them from when they
themselves were youngins.
Oh now it was not
all work, there were church socials, picnics and barn dances to make life a
little bearable but that was only after a good honest day’s work had been
completed or on a special occasion such as a weddings, Sunday gatherings,
Christmas, Thanksgiving, barn buildings or just to get together with the
distant neighbors for people did not live close together as they do now.
Everyone pitched in
when others needed help free of cost.
The belief was that you helped your neighbor in their time of need that help would come back to you in your time of need.
The belief was that you helped your neighbor in their time of need that help would come back to you in your time of need.
Too bad today's
society doesn't live this way which was a simpler way of life and a happier way
of life for many.
I was raised this way to and do abide by the codes of the
west. Or at least try to although sometimes society and my emotions do run to
fast. This is why I live a simple life with no complications, the first sign of
complications I right off take care of the situations to make my life simple
and stress free once again.
By Debby Richardson
On this eve of the
Birth of our Lord Jesus, this is a wonderful time a year to celebrate.
The preparations for celebrations had been long and everyone had been in a hustle and bustle, scurrying around to make sure that everything was perfect this Christmas Season. I used to love Christmas. Christmas was my favorite time of year.
The preparations for celebrations had been long and everyone had been in a hustle and bustle, scurrying around to make sure that everything was perfect this Christmas Season. I used to love Christmas. Christmas was my favorite time of year.
The gifts are all wrapped, the tree is up, the lights are
all strung, the baking is done, and families are near.
There is laughter in the air.
There is laughter in the air.
I must be getting to old to celebrate Christmas, Christmas
doesn’t seem like Christmas, the only thing happy in my heart around this time
of year the last few years is that the birth of Jesus had taken place.
Maybe it’s because of my health issues, or what is happening
in this nation, or not having family and or any real friends here to help me
celebrate Christmas.
Not many people don’t have family and friends to cheer them up. To us Christmas is a lonely and sad time of year.
Not many people don’t have family and friends to cheer them up. To us Christmas is a lonely and sad time of year.
I have family but my son decided instead of coming down here
for Christmas he wanted to go have Christmas by his grandma, which he has done
every year. He called me last night and told me that his grandma doesn’t have
much time to live and he wanted to continue to make memories with her.
I asked him, am I your mother? You know I too am not getting
any younger. You should also be come down here and make some memories with me.
Maybe one Christmas you will come down here for Christmas.
His reply to me was “yea mom, I know, but I want to spend
time with grandma so I have those memories. I thought to myself. Hmmm she is
the one who wanted me to have an abortion with you as soon as I got pregnant
with you and you want to cherish her over me your own mother?”
I sat in shock not saying a word. I was flabbergasted as to
what my son had just told me.
All of a sudden a calm came over me instead of me getting angry. Yes, I was hurt but not angry.
All of a sudden a calm came over me instead of me getting angry. Yes, I was hurt but not angry.
I replied back to my son in a calm voice. “I understand,
maybe some Christmas you, your sister and JJ came come down here and spend
Christmas with me. You have to do, what you have to do. You’re a grown man, you
know where your priorities lye. I can’t tell you what to do any more or what is
right, this is for you to make that decision”
Deep in my though process I realized this. That he will one
day regret that he did not spend some Christmas’s or holidays with me that he
wants to spend them all with his grandma. That God will punish him for his
actions toward come Judgment day concerning his mother. For in The Ten
Commandments it states “Commandment 5
12 "Honor your father and mother. Then you will live a
long, full life in the land the Lord your God is giving you.
I was feeling pretty
hurt by his remark, but I didn’t want to make nothing of it,
He replied back to me. “I love you mom maybe next year I
will come down.”
I thought to myself,
I may be dead and gone next year for you never know what the future holds only
God does. When I am dead, he will then think back and be sad thus thinking
and regretting that he should have come see his mom more often and alternated
years with my mom to.”
I just continued to talk about him asking him questions what
he was doing for Christmas thus steering away from our conversation that broke
my heart.
After about a minute from this maybe 5 minutes later, he said
that he was driving on icy streets and had to go meet up with some friends of
his to go snow shoeing that he had to get off the phone so that he can keep
both hands on the wheel.
I said all right have a Merry Christmas and I love you. You,
your sister and JJ are in my prayers. He said Merry Christmas Back to me then
quickly hung up the phone as if he was in a hurry and I wasn’t important enough
to say goodbye to.
I didn’t let the hurt bother me of the words he told me
during our conversation. All I wanted for him was to enjoy his life. This showed me how much he really cared about
his mother.
Yes, he loves his mother but in reality rather be rid of his mother (every time he comes and visits me it’s for an hour then he has to hurry off to go see a friend of his here in Georgia.
When he goes to Wisconsin to see his friends, and his family up there it’s for a week to two weeks), but again God will punish him for his actions unless God can get into my son’s heart and realize his actions are wrong. This goes true for my daughter also.
Yes, he loves his mother but in reality rather be rid of his mother (every time he comes and visits me it’s for an hour then he has to hurry off to go see a friend of his here in Georgia.
When he goes to Wisconsin to see his friends, and his family up there it’s for a week to two weeks), but again God will punish him for his actions unless God can get into my son’s heart and realize his actions are wrong. This goes true for my daughter also.
All they do is think of themselves and their wants. This is
mostly what this nation today is about, me, me, me, greed, hurt and who is more
controlling than others.
They don’t care who they hurt, as long as people benefit from the hurt.
I will continue to pray for my kids and grandson until the day I die for them to have a better life, one day how they treat others will come back on them through their own kids.
They don’t care who they hurt, as long as people benefit from the hurt.
I will continue to pray for my kids and grandson until the day I die for them to have a better life, one day how they treat others will come back on them through their own kids.
I will sit today and over Christmas and pray for my son, my
daughter and my grandson, I will pray for this nation to be heal. I will ask God’s
forgives as to any sins I’ve committed this past year. And for healing as to
these illnesses that seem to keep popping up. I will pray for the doctors to
heal all injured and sick with God’s help, and that things all round this
nation will be healed and back to normal by the grace of God.
So, as this Christmas is being celebrated with your families
and friends please say prayers to those who are less fortunate, who don’t have families
for Christmas’s and who are sad and depressed over Christmas Seasons.
Have a Merry Christmas and please be careful.
Prayers for all of you. May God bless you all and keep you in his glory.
Prayers for all of you. May God bless you all and keep you in his glory.
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Western Pride Marketing and Publishing.
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